Tips Maintenance And Optimizing Your Kodi Everyday For Working Better

How to optimizing and maintenance your kodi to better

As you know, many folks having problems with builds, add-ons and the sort. This is Tips for everyday maintenance and optimizing your Kodi experience. By follow this tips, hope you will fixed some kodi error as buffering, lag, one or more item failed to play etc...

My Kodi runs perfectly and for the reasons below.

1. I have an awesome build. And 2. I do ALL of the following.
➡️ Reboot your router every now and again. I do mine approx every 2 weeks. Cleans out "cobwebs" and much more.

➡️. Use the ares wizard< (specifically) to optimize your Kodi for buffering. Going to "tweaks" > "advanced settings" and follow the prompts. I'll provide a video to install the ares wizard if you don't have it... Inside here.

➡️ For EVERY update to a scraper add-on like exodus Elysium Specto ..... go to tools > clear providers and cache. Another way to clean "cobwebs".

➡️ For any new Kodi setup with scraper add-ons like Elysium and Exodus etc... you can speed up the loading time for sources when selecting a movie or show if they they lag. For any source that takes more than 10>12 seconds to load it's either a dead or bad source. Remove those. I'll provide a video inside here.

➡️ Follow this video for EVERY Kodi setup, new build, new Kodi and check these things when there is a Kodi update to ensure nothing changed on you while it updated.

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