KAI has signed an export contract with the Thai government for 8 units of T-50

KAI exports 8 units of T-50 to Thailand

Posted July. 31, 2017 07:38,   Updated July. 31, 2017 08:15

The Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) sells eight units of its military jet T-50 to Thailand. The contract size amounts to some 260 million U.S. dollars.
According to the KAI on Sunday, it has signed an export contract on Saturday with the Thai government to sell the military jet at JW Marriott Hotel in Seoul. This contract is made following Thailand’s air force purchased four units of T-50 in 2015. KAI plans to deliver all of T-50 units to Thailand by May 2020. 

This contract makes the total sales of the KAI’s T-50 64 (worth approx. 2.93 billion dollars): 16 to Indonesia, 24 to Iraq, 12 to the Philippines and 12 to Thailand. “We are planning to export T-50 to Botswana, Argentina and the U.S.," the KAI said. "The sales to Thailand will give momentum to the export of T-50."

Do-Young Kwak now@donga.com

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