Gloucester to Portsmouth via Iles of Shoals

We had a really nice relaxing sail from Gloucester in gentle winds and it was such a beautiful day we decided to call in to the Iles of Shoals for lunch on the way to Portsmouth Harbour - where we had a booking at Kittery Point which was our first stop in Maine - the river is the boarder between the two states. 

The Isles of Shoals are about 6 miles off the coast and there is nine in total with great names like Appledore and Smuttynose On this perfect day the harbour at Gosport was stunning, so we borrowed a mooring and lit the BBQ. After a lazy lunch the wind had picked up a little and we have a great beam reach into Portsmouth Harbour.

It was amazing to see the difference between one side of the river and the other - lobster pot floats were just so dense on the Maine side - a sign of things to come. We tucked into our spot at Kittery and met the fantastic Jason who manages the Yacht Yard there - he couldn't have been more helpful. We had heard this was a good spot and had a plan to try and leave Askari here while some weather came through and we could explore Vermont. Jason was more than happy to help, so we hatched a plan, booked a hire car and zoomed off to Vermont a day later with our hiking gear!

Sailing to Iles of Shoals
Bean bag time
Our first glimpse of the Iles of Shoals

View of Smuttynose Island
View from our mooring at Kittery Point

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