Around Here: Week 27

Celebrating... the fourth of July with extended family over the weekend.  We went to Grand Coulee Dam & saw the laser light show plus firework display.  It was an awesome way to spend the day.  We were so happy to have Uncle Samuel, Aunt Tiffanie, Nanny, Papa, Aunt Roxanne and Cousins Isaiah, Ferris, Milo & Annie with us.

Working... outside in the mornings doing our summer school work on the picnic table in the backyard. It makes me so happy to be out there with the birds everyday before it gets hot.

 Reaping... what we've sown in the garden and flowerbeds.  It feels so good to be getting some payout for the constant work that (mostly Josh) has been putting in to the yard. There are peas that everyone is eating right off the vine; there are roses (both red and, my favorite, pink) as well as lillies & marigolds.  And our grass is absolutely gorgeous & so lush!

Enjoying... the beautiful pink roses our front yard produced that Josh cut & brought in the house for me. He's been bringing in red roses, too, for my bedside table and it makes me so happy!!!

Finding... $200 cash on the ground at Safeway (a local grocery store) Thursday.  I picked it up and immediately turned it in, thinking of the poor person who was later going to discover they lost two $100 dollar bills.  Jack was with me (everyone else was at home) and he asked why I didn't just keep it. It made me grateful that I did the right thing, and I explained to him that it wasn't mine, and I would feel awful if I lost money and someone took it instead of turning it in.

Thankful... my migraines seem to have taken a hike!  That was a terrible, terrible way to spend the last two weeks of June.  I am being careful to get enough sleep and stay relaxed, though, just in case they try to reappear.

Roasting... in these central Washington temps!!! It's been over 100 every day this week.  Whew!  Thank goodness for our pool pass!  Josh and I were talking yesterday about how we feel like we've acclimated pretty well to the constant sunshine, lack of humidity & high temperatures, which is awesome. It just feels like the perfect summer.  (Except when I burn my legs on our leather car seats. Ha!)

Finishing... The Stars are Fire by Anita Shreve.  Oh, I just devoured this book.  I adore Shreve's writing, her characters, the settings and the real life events she draws inspiration from.  This book was no different.

Reading... The Island (again) by Elin Hilderbrand and Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing to the twins.

Starting... The Hate U Give on Audiobook from Overdrive (yay for free library books!) and The Blue Bistro (an oldie from Elin Hilderbrand that I've not read yet!) that my sister loaned me.

Planning... to reread a few other summer favorites-- Fortune's Rocks and Sea Glass by Anita Shreve, and Barefoot by Elin Hilderbrand.  It makes me happy to imagine revisiting these fantastic books.

Watching... Me Before You and remembering that the book is much (much!) better than the movie.

Dealing with... more random fevers from Carly. I'm trying not to worry too much, but I don't know what they are from. Teething maybe? She has been a bit more drooly than usual.

Planning... for a successful week next week some meal planning, some goal setting & some to-do-list accomplishing. I hate it while I'm doing it, but I'm always so glad when it's done!


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