Today's Topics:
1. Greece, The events on 18/7 in Morias, Lesvos
by Musaferat (gr) [machine translation] (
2. France, Alternative Libertaire AL spécial de juillet-aout
Clément Méric: A dignified and political tribute (fr, it, pt)
[machine translation] (
3. Ireland, derry anarchists: Solidarity with Political
Prisoners: Free Tony Taylor! (
Message: 1
Immigrants who had been imprisoned accepted the mania of MATs that had invaded even inside
the containers by beating indiscriminately those who were in front of them and finally
capturing 35 people in the pile, with the sole criterion of skin color after targeting
African immigrants. Many immigrants are beaten, and among them there are wounded by
straight tear drops, with one migrant carrying a chest injury and one on the leg. All the
arrested were taken to the General Police Directorate of Lesvos where they were detained
and, according to their complaints, continued to accept cops. While most were injured,
only one of them was taken to the hospital of Mytilene where it was deemed necessary to be
hospitalized. ---- For the events on 18/7 at the Detaining Center of Moria, Lesbos
From Monday 17-07 it was announced by a portion of migrants, mainly of African descent,
that they would start repeated protests due to the long delays in the examination of their
asylum applications, but also for the Circumstances in which they are forced to live in
the detention center of Moria. On Monday, the protests took the form of a sedentary
protest by blocking the offices of the European asylum agency (EASO). On Tuesday, and
while the protest had reopened as EASO's office again, leading its employees to leave
their offices, the authorities indicated the protesting immigrants to the others as
responsible for The delays by turning them against them. The recriminations between them
led to the peak of the tension and the protesting immigrants advanced outside the
detention center blocking the road. In their protest, they once again accepted the
violence of the police forces who tried to remove them by chasing them inside the center
and making use of tears and glitter grenades. For their part, the immigrants responded to
the attack they received with a petroleum war, leading the police forces to their initial
deployment, but also to some damage to parked vehicles around the center. At the same
time, there were fires for the construction of roadblocks, some of which escaped to the
nearby olive trees. Police forces were stepped up with more MATs and intervened
internally, while at the same time two Petzetel firefighting planes discharged water at
the points where the fires appeared.
After the collisions ended, the police forces blocked entry to the detention center and
carried out a "broom" operation inside. Immigrants who had been trapped accepted the mania
of MAT that had invaded even inside the container by beating indiscriminately those who
found them in front of them and finally capturing 35 people in the pile, with only the
skin color, after targeting African immigrants. Many immigrants are beaten, while among
them there are wounded by straight tear drops, With an immigrant carrying a trauma to the
chest and another to the leg. All the arrested were taken to the General Police
Directorate of Lesvos where they were detained and, according to their complaints,
continued to accept cops. While most were injured, only one of them was taken to the
hospital of Mytilene where it was deemed necessary to be hospitalized.
At noon on July 19, 34 of them, except the hospitalized, were led to the investigator with
the threat of being charged with serious accusations. Most of them were barefoot, with the
marks of the cops' knocks visible. Throughout their stay in the court, there were constant
pressures from the cops who accompanied them, accused each other, with promises of
acquittal, Even lifting the restrictive conditions of stay on the island. All immigrants
denied the accusations, but also to point out anyone as a culprit. Their defense has been
taken over by lawyers from the Legal Center Lesvos, but because of the number of
prosecuted and magistrates, it is necessary to support them from more than one lawyer.
Unique class witnesses who appeared were cops from the units that attacked them. The
accusations made are carbohydrates for all and concern: a) resistance; b) attitude; c)
disruption of the common peace of citizens; d) arson; e) attempted heavy bodily harm
against co-operation against police officers; and f) The preliminary investigation will
take place on Friday and Saturday, 21 and 22 July, respectively.
Message: 2
Four years after the death of Clément Méric, a young militant of the anti-fascist action
Paris-Banlieue and Solidaires étudiants, who was beaten to death in the street by
right-wing activists, an afternoon of debates and a demonstration Organized in Paris on 3
June. ---- From the mobilization of June 2013 which wanted to be all that the country
counts of associations, trade unions and parties, there remained in recent years only a
square of irreducible. The habitues of indignation, both media and transient, had long
since gone. Neither sectarianism nor postures had helped and after the fiasco of the
demonstration of June 2016 on the occasion of the three years of Clement's death, the very
existence of a broad homage to our comrade was threatened.
A combative event
However, on the morning of Saturday, June 3, 2017, dozens of people were busy on the Place
de la Republique to set up barnas, connect speakers on generators, unload bottles of water
or dispose of chairs. Quickly, an immense banner " 4 years after the death of Clément
Meric, fight against all racism and the extreme right " adorns the main entrance of the
central station of the metro. And little by little, the place begins to fill. Activists
gather to listen to the debates that are taking place, passers-by stops to listen, even to
discuss. We hurry to the press tables and the program of the afternoon circulates from
hand to hand. One could, among other things, Listen to Laurence De Cock talk about the
myth of the national narrative; The comrades of the CNDF and Solidaires denounced the
supposed feminism of Marine Le Pen ; Violaine Girard decipher the electoral dynamics of
the FN in rural areas ; Or follow a round table around the necessary trade union response
to the extreme right.
After this afternoon of debates, exchanges and discussions, a demonstration was held that
could have been expected to be more numerous and less humid. But in spite of the pouring
rain, several hundred people marched in an offensive and dynamic atmosphere that preserved
the character of dignity of the event which is at the same time eminently political but
also a tribute.
At the end of the day, Organizers and organizers were tired but satisfied and satisfied
with this rich and beautiful day which gave to the antifascism an open and combative face
without falling into the caricatures and the dead ends of last year. While in many cities
in France and abroad, rallies and demonstrations have been held (and until July for
Nîmes), it is now possible to envisage the continuation of the mobilization against
forgetting and impunity, The anniversary of the 5th anniversary in June 2018, but above
all the trial of the assizes, the date of which is not yet known, which should be held the
same year.
Hector (AL Paris South) But satisfied and satisfied with this rich and beautiful day which
has given to anti-fascism an open and combative face without falling into the caricatures
and dead ends of last year. While in many cities in France and abroad, rallies and
demonstrations have been held (and until July for Nîmes), it is now possible to envisage
the continuation of the mobilization against forgetting and impunity, The anniversary of
the 5th anniversary in June 2018, but above all the trial of the assizes, the date of
which is not yet known, which should be held the same year. Hector (AL Paris South) But
satisfied and satisfied with this rich and beautiful day which has given to anti-fascism
an open and combative face without falling into the cartoons and dead ends of last year.
While in many cities in France and abroad, rallies and demonstrations have been held (and
until July for Nîmes), it is now possible to envisage the continuation of the mobilization
against forgetting and impunity, The anniversary of the 5th anniversary in June 2018, but
above all the trial of the assizes, the date of which is not yet known, which should be
held the same year. Hector (AL Paris South) While in many cities in France and abroad,
rallies and demonstrations have been held (and until July for Nîmes), it is now possible
to envisage the continuation of the mobilization against forgetting and impunity, The
anniversary of the 5th anniversary in June 2018, but above all the trial of the assizes,
the date of which is not yet known, which should be held the same year. Hector (AL Paris
South) While in many cities in France and abroad, rallies and demonstrations have been
held (and until July for Nîmes), it is now possible to envisage the continuation of the
mobilization against forgetting and impunity, The anniversary of the 5th anniversary in
June 2018, but above all the trial of the assizes, the date of which is not yet known,
which should be held the same year. Hector (AL Paris South)
Message: 3
Several hundred people marched through the streets of Derry this afternoon to demand the
immediate release of Derry political prisoner Tony Taylor, interned without trail by the
British State for 500 days. In marking this occasion of his 500 day of incarceration
Anarchists in Derry joined with the relatives, friends of Tony Taylor including other a
number of republican organisations, socialists, trade union and human rights activists,
the largest seen in the city for a number of years. ---- At the Guildhall Square as the
marchers rallied each speaker to the platform call for the continued support for the
Taylor family and the end to selective internment without trial of political activists.
---- Leading up to todays rally a spokesperson for the Free Tony Taylor campaign said
"Tony was arrested on March 10th, 2016, in full view of his family whilst on a shopping
trip and taken to Maghaberry Prison where he continues to be held today on the signature
of the British Secretary of State following the revocation of the release licence he
received in 2014.
"The Northern Ireland Office alleged Tony was a risk to the public based on an MI5
assessment, an assessment which clearly does not warrant criminal charges or a trial.
Three weeks after Tony was returned to prison it was ruled that the original order to
detain him was in contravention of article 28 (2) (a) and (b) of the Criminal Justice
Order (NI) 2008.
"Tony's solicitor Aiden Carlin stated that the refusal of the Parole commission to follow
recommendations and release Tony at this juncture was in contravention of section six of
the Human Rights Act in conjunction with articles 5 (1) and 5 (4) of the European
Convention on Human Rights. Tony's legal team have recently served a High Court Writ on
the Secretary of State in a claim for damages arising from his initial 3-week unlawful
"On May 2nd, 2017, the Parole Commission for Northern Ireland began a four-day review
process into Tony's case which at that point represented an unreasonable delay in context
of Article 5 and the Right to Liberty.
"The review process consisted of one open hearing during which Tony was questioned, two
closed proceedings from which Tony and his legal team were excluded and a summary hearing
which took place on May 30th. A judicial review to examine the lawfulness, necessity and
proportionality of Tony's recall is currently being pursued.
"Tony Taylor's recall is regarded as internment under its latest guise. Internment was
used in the 1970s as a repressive tool of the Stormont regime and whilst the name has
changed the fundamental fact that people are being denied their liberty in the absence of
due process cannot be disputed.
"The Good Friday Agreement of 1998 promised the people of the north a ‘new beginning', an
‘era in which justice would be done and be seen to be done' and measures ‘compatible with
a normal and Peaceful society.' The Free Tony Taylor Campaign would take this opportunity
to stress that closed court proceedings, MI5 supremacy over policing in the North and
internment have no place in any normal or peaceful society.
"We would again call on the British Secretary of State for Northern Ireland James
Brokenshire to release Tony Taylor back to his family who continue suffer as a result of
his arbitrary and unjust detention."
This afternoons march and rally was also used to highlight the current situation across
the six countries in which activists can be selected by the state and removed from their
loved ones and community simply because they hold an opposing political opinions to what
the establishment would like us to have.
Amongst the many banners and placards from the various groups and organisations in support
of the release of Tony Taylor, Anarchists in Derry carried a banner in solidarity which
read ‘Stop Repression Free All Political Prisoners!'.
One local anarchist activist said "No matter what the political views of Tony Taylor are,
as anarchists we will continue to support him and his family's ongoing fight for justice,
which is why we continue to support and attend demonstrations such as todays. Its vital
that we add our voice to demand his immediate release. We feel that this fight, above all
else, is a human rights issue that everyone, anarchist, socialist or republican should be
concerned about.
"We are totally opposed to prison system in all its forms and reject the disappearance and
imprisonment of any political activists. For us we will continue take part in unified
solidarity demonstrations such as todays as in the streets is where we will achieve our
goals, not in the chambers of Stormont or Westminster. It's important that anyone
interested in human rights speaks out, no matter what political opinion they hold, to
speak out against Tony Taylor's imprisonment and demand an end to similar practices
carried out by the State."
News coverage:
Video footage for todays march for Tony Taylor:
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