Who read what, attention to publications of Sergei Ostroumov, Environment, ecology, ecotoxicology, water quality, Researchers who read Sergei's work for week ending Jun 04, 2017:

Who read what, attention to publications of Sergei Ostroumov, Environment, ecology, ecotoxicology, water quality,

Researchers who read Sergei's work for week ending Jun 04, 2017: 


Eric Le Gentil

Уровни охраны живой природы. Urovni okhrany zhivoi prirody (book in Russian; English translation of the title: Levels of Nature Conservation / Levels of Living Nature Conservation). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/263891524; (nature conservation, biodiversity protection, conservation biology, protection of ecosystems, endangered species of animals and plants, protection of environment, сохранение биоразнообразия, охрана природы);
Nikolai Lobanov

114 full text articles, ResearchGate. Environment, ecology, ecotoxicology, water quality, biology. Online free: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/274137368;
Juvencio Galindez-Mayer

Biological Effects of Surfactants: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200637626; (environmental hazards of detergents, non-animal methods, toxicity assessment, synthetic surfactants, environmental toxicology, aquatic toxicology, bestseller in ecotoxicology);
Arif Pathan

The theory of the hydrobiological mechanism of water self-purification in water bodies: from theory to practice; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237496625; (water quality, aquatic biology, marine ecology, freshwater ecology);
Dr. Sikandar I. Mulla

240 publications (full texts and /or abstracts), files, environmental science, on ResearchGate. 90 p. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/304580182; Environment, ecology, ecotoxicology, water quality, biology,
Renad Zhdanov

2762 автора в России цитировали публикации ученого МГУ (д.б.н. Сергея Андреевича Остроумова). Кто цитировал. Who cited S.A.Ostroumov in Russia. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/311714484; citation, цитирование;
Guglielmo Martino

Biological Effects of Surfactants: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200637626; (environmental hazards of detergents, non-animal methods, toxicity assessment, synthetic surfactants, environmental toxicology, aquatic toxicology, bestseller in ecotoxicology);
Yongbo yu

Biological Effects of Surfactants: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200637626; (environmental hazards of detergents, non-animal methods, toxicity assessment, synthetic surfactants, environmental toxicology, aquatic toxicology, bestseller in ecotoxicology);
Yukihiro Sugiyama

Biological Effects of Surfactants: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200637626; (environmental hazards of detergents, non-animal methods, toxicity assessment, synthetic surfactants, environmental toxicology, aquatic toxicology, bestseller in ecotoxicology);
Alexander Oleskin

Biological Effects of Surfactants: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200637626; (environmental hazards of detergents, non-animal methods, toxicity assessment, synthetic surfactants, environmental toxicology, aquatic toxicology, bestseller in ecotoxicology);
Lorena Ramírez-Restrepo

Biological Effects of Surfactants: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200637626; (environmental hazards of detergents, non-animal methods, toxicity assessment, synthetic surfactants, environmental toxicology, aquatic toxicology, bestseller in ecotoxicology);
Abdurahman Nour

240 publications (full texts and /or abstracts), files, environmental science, on ResearchGate. 90 p. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/304580182; Environment, ecology, ecotoxicology, water quality, biology,

Biological Effects of Surfactants: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200637626; (environmental hazards of detergents, non-animal methods, toxicity assessment, synthetic surfactants, environmental toxicology, aquatic toxicology, bestseller in ecotoxicology);
Sabine Klein

Biological Effects of Surfactants: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200637626; (environmental hazards of detergents, non-animal methods, toxicity assessment, synthetic surfactants, environmental toxicology, aquatic toxicology, bestseller in ecotoxicology);
Carlo Pastore

Book cover. Обложка книги. Введение в проблемы биохимической экологии. Телитченко, С.А.Остроумов; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/303810917;
Jérôme Jourde

Уровни охраны живой природы. Urovni okhrany zhivoi prirody (book in Russian; English translation of the title: Levels of Nature Conservation / Levels of Living Nature Conservation). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/263891524; (nature conservation, biodiversity protection, conservation biology, protection of ecosystems, endangered species of animals and plants, protection of environment, сохранение биоразнообразия, охрана природы);
Petras Zemlys

114 full text articles, ResearchGate. Environment, ecology, ecotoxicology, water quality, biology. Online free: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/274137368;

Book cover. Introduction to Problems of Biochemical Ecology. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/314395289;

Anniversary: 30 years of biochemical ecology. Anniversary of the new scientific discipline. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/304607243

Book cover. Обложка книги. Введение в проблемы биохимической экологии. Телитченко, С.А.Остроумов; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/303810917;

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