Daily Reflections
Friday, 16th June 2017,
Tenth Week in Ordinary Time
2 Cor 4: 7-15;
Ps 116: 10-11, 15-18;
Mt 5: 27-32
If we analyze the gospel reading of today, one may be surprised by the strong words of Jesus: “pluck out your eye” or “cut off your hand and throw it away”. Jesus used this forceful language in order to set before his disciples the one goal in life that is worth any sacrifice - which is the conformity of our will with God. Just as a doctor might remove a limb or some part of the body in order to preserve the life of the whole body, so we must be ready to part with anything that causes us to sin and which inevitably leads to spiritual death. Jesus warns us of the terrible responsibility that we must set no stumbling block in the way of another, that is, not to give offense or bad example that might lead another to sin.
Secondly, Jesus teaches that righteousness involves responding to every situation in life in a way that fulfills God’s law, not just externally but internally as well. Jesus says that evil desires spring from the heart. That is why the sin of adultery must first be dealt within the heart, the place not only of the emotions, but the mind, will, thought, and intentions as well. We must understand the intention of God’s commands and decide in our heart to obey the Lord. Let us ponder upon the very direct and powerful language of our Lord. Let the forcefulness of His words be an impetus for change and avoidance of all sin.
Prayer: Lord, I am sorry for my sin and I ask for Your mercy and forgiveness. Please help me to avoid all that leads me to sin and to surrender all my thoughts and actions to You every day. Jesus, I trust in You. Amen.
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