Steve Harvey Gets Pushback Over Flint Water Comment

Social media has been abuzz about comments comedian Steve Harvey made about the Flint Water crisis on his morning radio talk show after the Cleveland Cavaliers lost in game five of the NBA Finals to the Golden State Warriors.

Harvey, who is a Cleveland fan and once lived in Ohio, took a call from a man who said he was from Flint, who told Harvey that Cleveland didn't 'deserve jack.' reports Harvey made reference to the man's lack of having clean water to shower in due to the Flint crisis, according to many Facebook posts.

A user on Facebook recorded the aftermath of the conversation. On the audio the words Steve Harvey could be seen on the vehicle's radio screen.

Harvey's co-hosts could be heard telling him that he should apologize.

"I wasn't talking about the city of Flint," Harvey told his co-hosts, "I was talking about him."

Harvey continued on to say, "He gone call in and say Cleveland don't deserve jack and he over their bathing in all that silver water."

The caller was still on the line at this point and told Harvey he was Dee from Flinttown.

Before taking the next caller Harvey told the caller there was "one more thing."

"Go ahead," the caller said.

"Enjoy your nice brown glass of water," Harvey said.

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