We are happy to announce the release of the automatically annotated Sahidic Old Testament corpus (corpus identifier: sahidic.ot), based on the version of the available texts kindly provided by the CrossWire Bible Society SWORD Project thanks to work by Christian Askeland, Matthias Schulz and Troy Griffitts.
The corpus is available for search in ANNIS, much like the Sahidica New Testament corpus, together with word segmentation, morphological analysis, language of origin for loanwords, part of speech tagging and automatically aligned verse translations (except for parts of Jeremiah). Please expect some errors, due the fully automatic analysis in the corpus. The aligned translation is taken from the World English Bible. Here is an example search for the word ‘soul’:
You can also read entire chapters in ANNIS or at our repository, which look like this:
We hope that this resource will be helpful to Coptic scholars – please let us know if you have any questions or comments!
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» News from the Coptic Scriptorium: Old Testament corpus release
News from the Coptic Scriptorium: Old Testament corpus release
Old Testament corpus release