New Open Access Journal: Vulgata in Dialogue: a biblical online review

Vulgata in Dialogue: a biblical online review
ISSN: 2504-5156
The Vulgate in Dialogue is an international peer-reviewed on-line academic journal,
with open access, founded in 2016, that publishes once a year articles in biblical
exegesis, theology in general, philology, history and other fields related to the domain
of the Biblia Sacra Vulgata. 

The work of translating and editing the Vulgate within two similar projects almost simultaneously launched – the one in German (Vulgata Verein / Walter de Gruyter Berlin, initiated in 2011) and the one in Romanian (A. I. Cuza University, Traditio Centre, Jassy / Humanitas publishing house, that started in 2010) —, revealed specific issues that are worth publishing for the benefit of the biblical studies as a whole. Our journal intends to contribute to research in the field of the Vulgate, with approaches from various fields, including the inter-disciplinary ones.
Current Issue: Vulgata in Dialogue 1 (2017)

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