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Supurr Caturday Greetings Pawesome Pals
Thanks fur joining fur us fur Part III of our Crafting with Cats segment.
If mew'd like to see our previous CWC post click here and learn how to make Merlin's Wizard Hat. And if mew missed out on how to make our Supurr Hero's cape, click here.
On our last two CWC posts, we learnt that some of mew aren't too keen on sewing, so this weeks project will have mew jumping fur joy, as today it's all about glue, glue and more glue! MOL
What Mew Will Need:
A glass mason jar or jam jar [we used an empty body scrub jar]
Glue [fur glass - we'll show mew what we used in a mo]
A small piece of fabric or felt
Embellishments: Ribbon, Sequins, Cord, Beads etc...
An elastic band
A battery operated tealight
Black Sharpie pen
Newspaper to protect table surface
Optional cat/s fur snoopervising and general assistance
Are mew ready?
Are mew ready?
Furstly wash and dry your jar thoroughly.
This is the glue we used, it is the best, but whateffur mew can get make sure it can be used on glass.
The P.A. has 5 of these trays full of glitter, can mew believe that anyone needs that much glitter? No, we couldn't either...
OK now the fun begins.
Next mew need some cute kitty silhouettes, now purrlease make sure that they are royalty free as this is tres importante, because no-one like their stuff being used without a credit, payment or whateffur, or mew could go and buy some from Shutterstock etc... But we found these amongst a whole host of free pics on google.
Print them off.
Cut out your chosen pics, it can be a little fiddly so smaller scissors are better, and if mew can't quite get the outline purrfect use your black sharpie pen here to colour in any white bits. We used four as our jar is four sided.
Once the jar is dry, mew can then start on the lid decoration. We just cut a circle of black felt slighter larger than the lid diameter, and then glued it to the lid. Using an elastic band - pic 7 - place around the outer edge to create a frill. Pic 8, glue a length of ribbon to hid the elastic band.
Et voila, here's our finished Magical Kitty Lantern.
Sorry about the visible glue, the P.A. at this point with our help had her hip length braid glued good and propurr to her forearm and was covered in glitter! But that's the beauty of crafting with cats, we make it so much more fun!!! MOL MOL
These are the battery operated tea-lights which we used. They are so purretty as they change colour.
Now we know this is the bit mew've all been waiting fur, how does it look in the dark? And even if we do say so ourselves we think it looks purretty spectacular or even epically epic fur that matter.
How flipping cute is that?
And no, her videoing skillz have not improved since returning from BlogPaws, we've actually ordered her a small tripod so at least next time her left hand won't be shaking as she's holding her phone - many apologies.
* * *
There are so many different ways in which mew could decorate your jar, this is just one iddy biddy idea, and mew don't have to stop at one either, they look amazing in groups of 3.
We've got 2 larger ones to do next and we think we're going to spray paint the lids with a metallic finish and then add some sparkly swarovski crystals all offur them, just because we love a bit of bling.
Oh just think what mew could make fur Halloween, purrhaps we'll do a series of special projects leading up to that wunderpurr evening.
Remember, it's not about being purrfect, it's about being interesting and unique.
* * *
And that furriends furry sadly brings us to the end of our third crafting with cats post, we do hope mew liked it and if mew decide to make your furry own Magical Kitty Lantern as we'd love to see it.
Feel free to post your pawesome crafty pics on our Facebook page at:
And if there's anything mew'd like us to make, leave a comment and we'll do our best.
We'll be back on the morrow with our usual Sunday Selfies Selection and hope to see mew then!
Bestest crafty purrs
Basil & Co xox