Daily Reflections
Friday, 30th June 2017,
Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time
Optional Memorial of First Martyrs of the Church of Rome
Gen 17: 1, 9-10, 15-22;
Ps 128: 1-5;
Mt 8: 1-4
In the Gospel, Jesus does the unthinkable. He touches the ‘untouchable’ leper. . Lepers were the outcasts of Jewish society. They were not only shunned but regarded as “already dead” even by their relatives. The Jewish law forbade anyone from touching or approaching a leper, with the risk of ritual defilement. Knowing this, the leper astonishingly approaches Jesus confidently and humbly, expecting that Jesus would heal him. Jesus not only grants the man his request, but he demonstrates the personal love, compassion, and tenderness of God in his physical touch. Jesus met the man’s misery with compassion and tender kindness. He communicated the love and mercy of God in a sign that spoke more eloquently than words. He touched the man and made him clean - not only physically but spiritually as well. The result was that he was made whole and restored to full health.
Jesus loved this leper and wanted to offer Him this precious gift of healing. He did it out of compassion and, in return, only wanted the man’s gratitude. He did not need to make this a public spectacle. The same is true with us. We need to know that God loves us so much that He wants to lift our heavy burdens and heal our weaknesses simply because He loves us.
Let us reflect today, on our motivation for the acts of kindness we do. Pray that we also can desire to act in hidden ways in imitation of our divine Lord.
Prayer: Lord, may I grow in love of others and express that love in a pure way. May I never be motivated by a desire for vain praise. Jesus, I trust in You. Amen.
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