Today's Topics:
1. London Anarchist Federation on anti-fox hunting demo
2. ruptura colectiva (RC): Narco-State´s reign of horror: A
bloody week for México -- Demián Revart (ca) [machine
translation] (
3. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #273 June 2017 - Content
(fr, it, pt) [machine translation] (
4. Greece, rocinante: The death of Mr. Mitsotakis . (gr)
[machine translation] (
6. Greece, "Black & Red": Solidarity occupation of ADU School
and in all occupations and race communities. (gr) [machine
translation] (
7. Greece, "Black & Red" & Libertarian Thessaloniki
[machine translation] (
8. Slovenia & Croatia Network of anarchists (MASA): The service
sector may be fighting sector [machine translation]
Message: 1
London AF turned out for the anti-fox Hunting demo today (may 29th). As well as handing
out Rebel City we gave out a leaflet (text of leaflet below: ---- TROOPS OFF OUR STREETS!
---- The attacks on Manchester, like elsewhere, have left people horrified, angry and
insecure. However, May's response, to turn Britain into an occupied war zone, is not the
answer. ---- · It sets a dangerous precedent. Any time the government decides there is a
threat the troops can be called in. This could be anti-government protests, strikes etc.
Already an anti-fox hunting demonstration has been told that if they use flares they will
be shot at. Hollande in France has already used the excuse of ‘terrorism' to shut down
demonstrations. ---- · There is not enough money to continue to deploy troops for any
length of time. Why it is being done now? It is a bit like closing the stable door after
the horse has bolted! Does it have something to do with May trying to look like a tough
leader before the election?
· There is a real danger that the troops will shoot an innocent person. Remember the
Brazilian who was attacked and killed on a tube train because he looked like a terrorist?
The police are already known for shooting people who are the ‘wrong' colour. The soldiers
are even more likely to shoot and ask questions later.
· The troops aren't actually going to stop such attacks. They are focused on key public
areas, or where there are ‘important' people, but ISIS militants have been known to attack
anywhere. If they want to carry out an attack they will just go somewhere that the troops
So what can be done?
We need to address the issues that have caused a number of people not only to undertake
such horrific actions, but to give up their own lives in the name of one version of a
religion. It is not confined to Islam. All religions have been known to justify atrocities
in this way. How can you deal with people who think they have God on their side?
· Legacy of the foreign policy of Britain, the US and other self-proclaimed world ‘leaders'.
Military interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq have not led to freedom and stability for
people but instead created resentment and anger at outside interference. We need to put a
halt to a foreign policy which does acts as if the West has the right to invade, bomb and
generally lord it over other countries. Instead, we need actions of solidarity and
material support for all those in the countries themselves who are fighting for freedom
and against oppression. This includes an open-door policy for those fleeing from conflicts.
· Stop supplying arms to governments who support reactionary Islamist groups.
The US armed and supported the Taliban, allied with Al Qaeda, in its fight against the
Russians in Afghanistan. Saudi Arabia, the main exporter of Wahhabism, a reactionary
version of Islam, is a main ally of the West. Our government has continually supplied arms
to Saudi Arabia which in turn provides support for ISIS and Al Qaeda.
· Address the underlying social issues which are driving young Muslims to seek meaning in
the fight against what they see as the colonialism of the infidel.
In a time of government-imposed austerity and economic insecurity young people are
suffering the most. Racism and discrimination are wide-spread. We need to organise
together to fight against austerity and racism, building up communities of solidarity that
can tackle these problems and offer an alternative vision of society.
Message: 2
Mexico is the second most violent country in the world. ---- Michoacán, a Mexican state,
is again a national headline. Not for the achievements or merits of its population, but
for the morbid and tragic "red note" (nota roja), a wave of massacres plaguing the
country. ---- Mexican people are more certain of death than "progress". ---- No one is
safe. ---- The P'ur'hépecha community of Arantepakua will never forget the massacre from
only one month ago in which three comuneros and a 16-year-old student of the local COBAEM
(local high school) were assassinated by the federal police in a massive and cowardly
operation, to "resolve" a conflict in the tenure of communal lands. ---- Again, hell calls
the nation. ---- Arantepakua, Michoacán. Fotografía: Demián Revart. ---- Mexico is the
third country with the highest number of journalists killed. Only Syria and Afghanistan
are above them. This war is hidden.
Only three days have passed since the murder of journalists Javier Valdez and Jonathan
Córdova. Valdez's body was found lying in a quiet street in Culiacán. His hat was full of
blood. Córdova was murdered on a cruise in the center of Autlán in Jalisco. Bullet shells
fired from a heavy caliber gun were only a few centimeters from the corpses. Who were
they? Valdez was unbreakable and was awarded the CPJ International Press Freedom Award. He
also wrote various oral and local history books about the geographical massacres and
displacements at the hands of the cartels in Sonora and other northern states. Córdova was
a young and enthusiastic collaborator in the weekly El Costeño. He worked together with
his mother, Sonia Córdova, who is now in the hospital, after being shot in the assault.
Córdova had been kidnapped twice before, but he didn't say anything because nobody would
care, even if he were a football player or a TV star!
123 journalists killed in 16 years. Maybe more... I don't know. Humanity is pure statistics.
Something bothers them. Something hurts them. To spread information has become a
revolutionary act. The ink and the camera will not be enough weapons.
This week was clearly a test from the panopticon of drug cartels in which we all see
others as guilty, but they control our territorial and political cells.
Thursday morning, March 18th, the bodies of seven agricultural workers were found outside
a "huerto" (working farm) -where they harvest avocado- located on the Santa Clara-Españita
highway in the municipality of Salvador Escalante. According to testimonies and
photographic evidence which went viral on social media, we can tell from the scene of the
crime the workers were killed next to a fire they used to heat up lunch. Near them were
bags of food and pots for heating water, which are typical objects for the workers. What
was the cause of their murder?
In the afternoon of Saturday May 20th, an armed commando fired cowardly against the
Wixárika comrades Miguel Vázquez Torres, who was excommunicated from Bienes Comunales (the
land organization), and his brother Agustín, who are from the community of Tuxpan de
Bolaños located in the Sierra Norte de Jalisco, shooting them to death.
This double murder is a product of institutional neglect and state "justice" in indigenous
communities, because after the armed group gunned down Agustín with heavy weaponry, he was
transferred with serious injuries to the local health center, where he would die a few
moments later. The narrative does not end there. Upon being notified of the deadly attack
on his brother, Miguel went to the hospital and when leaving the building, was shot to
death by the same assailants who escaped in a Toyota Tacoma van.
Miguel Vázquez Torres served as Community Commissary of Sebastián Teponahuaxtlán,
defending the Wixárika peasants' process of resistance for the recovery of 2000 acres of
communal lands. The Wixárika peasants were in conflict with great landowners of the
municipality of La Yesca, between the limits of Jalisco And Nayarit.
Let us take this thesis: "Drug cartels are a historical extension of Capitalism and the
Could someone with ethics shake hands with those who ignore a massively bloody México?
To take on responsibility for life and humanity, quoting what one of the recently murdered
journalist, Javier Váldez, said in a presentation of his book: "We are only counting
deaths," it is necessary to wage war with Narco-Estado[1]and those who support it.
Who is willing to fight?
[1]Narco-Estado/Narco State: is a term used to clarify that drug cartels and all the
institutions of the Mexican State are partners in a crime called capitalism. They are
partners in a war against the people who live in this country.
Message: 3
Macron ; Intercommunality ; Police violence ; FN voting in peri-urban areas ; Invisible
Committee ; OJ 2024, World Exhibition 2025 ; Antiracism ; Francesco Vergès ; Daech
caliphate ; Midday ---- Editorial: A Glass King ---- Highlights: Macron & C ie They will
not walk us on ---- Social ---- Municipalities: soluble in intercommunality ----
Antifacism ---- Interview with Violaine Girard (sociologist): "In the peri-urban area,
elected officials want to preserve a common place among the white people's households "
---- Police violence: Lamine Dieng murder, ten years without justice ---- Ideas ----
Invisible Committee: So it's "Now" ---- Ecology ---- JO 2024, World Exposition 2025: Great
events, small arrangements ---- Anti-racism ---- Oppressions: Struggle at the intersection
of "race", sex and class
Interview with Françoise Vergès (feminist writer): "How does capitalism manage the womb
of racialized women ? "
Middle East: The future remains of the Caliphate of Daech fuels the lust of the
Interview with Arthur Aberlin (activist YPG): "I breathe the perfume of freedom"
To the memory of a comrade: "Jean-Pierre, worry, we organize ! "
Series: "When we rise" by Dustin Lance Black
Book: " Antifascist International Solidarity (1937-1939) - A Humanitarian and
Libertarian Action in the Spanish War " by Valentin Frémonti at Alternative Libertaire
Book: Kurdistan ? Liberal Municipalism and Democratic Confederalism "by Pierre Bance,
éditions Noir et Rouge
110 years ago: the Midi makes tremble Clemenceau
Message: 4
The anarcho-syndicalist Initiative Rosinante specifies that NOT will organize a festive
event or a festive rally on the occasion of the death of Constantine Mitsotakis.
Nevertheless, if another wing of the movement that struggles for social liberation
organize something similar (some parties say or something ...), the APR committed that
will participate with joy. In these critical times it is good to everyone clarify their
intentions and their moods so as not to move in the dark. The metheortia for the happy
event an affair of the whole working class and can not be degraded.
Message: 5
A new wage bill by Bernie Sanders, which proposes to raise minimum wage to $15 by 2024,
raises important questions on movements and the Democratic Party. ---- When leftists like
myself tell progressives that the role of the Democratic party is to demobilize social
movements and get people accepting less than what they are fighting for, a common response
is "No, that's not me. I will stay true to what I'm fighting for and I'm using the
Democratic Party, not the other way around!" But then campaign season comes around and
they are doing GOTV work knocking on doors for Democrats, making phone calls, sharing
their Facebook posts, maybe even running for a position in the party. Meanwhile, the most
leftwing Democrat, Bernie Sanders, backs a bill to raise the federal minimum wage to $15
by 2024 and these same progressives cheer him on. But $15 in 2024 isn't the same thing the
movement was fighting for in the beginning - efforts demanding $15 took off in 2014 and
that would be closer to $18 in 2024 when you adjust for inflation.
When you think about it, $3 less per hour for 40 hours per week for 52 weeks is $6,240
they just stole from the lowest paid workers. Plus, all these years of not having that
raise adds up to TENS OF THOUSANDS.
Wasn't a key part of the $15 minimum wage that it was based on cost of living and what a
living wage would be? So how are demanding "we need a living wage!" but then expected to
applaud a proposed that leaves workers a decade behind?
But tell me again how progressives and mainstream unions are using the Democratic Party
and they're not using you.
Duane Wright is completing a Sociology PhD at UC Davis and is a former officer in his grad
student union, UAW Local 2865.
We also recommend this article on the role of electoral politics looking at the radical
left coalition party, Syriza, which took power in Greece and "the effect of demobilizing,
defanging and developing a dependency relationship with social movements, not
strengthening them."
Message: 6
As we have recorded in our previous
attitude[]state to attack the race structures,
squats, the class and social resistance, refugees and migrants are not cut off a , partial
and subject to specific conditions tool used against "some". Is the general expression of
state brutality which now operate the political managers of SYRIZA-ANEL government and
which, given the opposition of the interests and demands of the down - like all
governments - has set as priorities the repression in the fledgling all without a guardian
of social resistance, the development of which would create conditions to overthrow the
state capital plans and of course the current government serves from driver seat.
The "transfer" of political responsibility from the hard core of the state, the police and
the government in regional bodies (see. Municipalities and public institutions) or
individuals (as recently in the case of Barricada occupation Larissa) for discharging
match sites there is a new "radical" idea that invented the current government is my old
art sieve "rationalists" of state repression. These stale tricks can not distract us from
the real objective is the targeting of the conflict with the basic exercise of power
institutions and policy makers.
Solidarity, which remains our main weapon in this, as in all games can be understood in
depth and become a constant effective interaction treaty but also an effective means of
self-defense, if we can convince all partners that directly attack the state covers all
resistances and thus must be answered. The constant presence in the struggles, political
and organizational reconstruction of the anarchist current, the sharpening of the class
struggle, the creation of new social embankments, the defense of the race areas are just a
few of the fields whose development will bring us into better positions in the battle
against state imposition and class domination.
We invite all friends and comrades involved and rally around occupations, pupils and
students who participate in the combat operations and young people to respond to the call
and participate in the solidarity demonstration for the ESC School. The Nuevo Mundo
following the political action in defense of squats and structures of the race will be there.
THURSDAY 1/6 18.00 at school (Vas. Georgiou & Bizaniou)
squat Mundo Nuevo (Philip & Siatistis)
Message: 7
In July 2016 he took major country police operation aimed at evacuating three mortgage
squatting in Thessaloniki: the capture of the Orphanage in Lambrakis street Ano Touba,
occupancy Hurriya on Charles Street Deal 34 next to the square Athonos and occupation in
Mandalideio building in Victory Avenue. ---- In tandem the "left" government and police to
the church and Aristotle (once again all the scum work together), following complaints
from the owners of three buildings, namely the university for the occupation in
Mandalideio building, the Metropolis of Thessaloniki for the occupation in the former
orphanage and from private to Hurriya, orchestrated and executed a coordinated attack
against the occupied housing areas of the city. ---- 5 people arrested during evacuation.
At the trial that followed the imposed sentence 10 months in prison, suspended with three
years and a fine amounting to 2.000 €. From the migrants were brought residents of the
orphanage and then transferred to the camps outside Thessaloniki. Within hours the
building of the orphanage was demolished: only in this way could be sure that the
priesthood can finally build the lucrative 5-storey monstrosity wanted in place of the
small two-story house which was a live community of solidarity and struggle.
Against all authority, we now respond always in solidarity. The persecuted because of wars
and persecution of all authority and of each State, the wretched of this world, refugees
and immigrants are the heart of our solidarity. Are our class brothers, the most
undervalued, underpaid and insecure part of our class, prey on the teeth every small and
big boss.
Negotiable We stand in solidarity with the comrades and comrades who, no NGOs, no
municipality, no state, no funding, and work immigrant housing structures and parallel to
and establish strong bridges of solidarity. We stand in solidarity with all the comrades
and comrades who face persecution for their involvement in housing immigrants squats,
lying for months in the crosshairs of power.
On May 31 heard in second instance the case of the occupation of the Orphanage, which was
evacuated on July 27 last summer in Thessaloniki with a further 2 occupations immigrants
and refugee housing, the Hurriya in Charles Diehl Road and capture the "Mandalideio"
Avenue victory.
The wave of immigrants and refugees roof squatting came a few days after the No Border -
within a targeting climate cultivated by the mainstream media - during which the Anarchist
Political Organization organized Anarchist Race Meeting at the occupied building of
Philosophy, attempting to show the connection of the immigrant and refugee problem with
the war and the construction of modern totalitarianism.
Through the evacuations of housing occupations emerge and wider targets of state
repression: the criminalization of solidarity, isolation and social exclusion of refugees
and immigrants and hitting the common struggles of locals and immigrants life and dignity.
The state, through the discharge of mortgage squatting in combination with the continuous
opening of new camps outside the urban fabric, promotes the enforcement exemption regime
and strict control. Within this context, includes the vindictive movement of government
mechanisms where resistances occur and develop bonds of solidarity, an example to all
those who continue to struggle against state and capitalist barbarism. A typical example
of both the Greek, wherein migrant Held eventually transferred to P. Ralli after
solidarity mobilization effected, and the concentration camp in Xanthi where
anthropofylakes after solidarity concentration assaulted against immigrants.
The repression of the occupation of the Orphanage and the grueling punishments imposed on
captured dec months suspended sentence and 2,000 euro fine on each one by just aimed at
community struggle developed in the space between the locals, refugees and immigrants
against the rulers, and adiamesolavita outside the context of any NGO, state, religious or
institutional authority in raising dikes advent of modern totalitarianism.
The Syriza-ANEL government to remain in power, now that the "anti-memorandum" rhetoric has
been exhausted, directed at supporters of "legality" and social peace, while indicating as
an internal enemy, the anarchist, the catalepsy, the immigrant. So evacuations are part of
the overall attack on squats in the movement structures, social-class struggles from below
that challenge the dominant, creating cracks in the edifice of modern totalitarianism,
state and capital. In recent months coordinated intrusions and shocks in occupied social
center Villa Zografos and squat immigrants refugees housing on Alkiviadou Street in Athens
follow the same repressive operation. While, a few days after the announcement of the
Minister of Citizen Protection N. Toska, that will "finish" with squats, followed by the
evacuation of another occupation refugees and immigrants, the Albatross, the Ano Poli,
Thessaloniki. Simultaneously, defamatory press reports and photographs of mapping squats,
talking about prosecuting evacuation orders egklimatopoiontas their political-anarchist
nature and the dimension of practical solidarity to refugees and immigrants.
The targeting and hitting political refugees squatting and squatter housing is part of the
overall attack the state. Imposing severe poverty conditions with violent ftochopoiisi
chunks of the population, the takeoff of social cannibalism, the defamation and the
depoliticisation of social and class resistances undertaken through state propaganda,
systematic climate racism cultivation and intolerance, the government privatization effort
space aimed at commercialization, subordination and totalitarian social control in the
cities and the delivery of entire villages and areas in the whirlwind of growth is aspects
of state-capitalist attack. And there the state is not enough threat to silence and
suppress the kinematic resistances, the torch get the para-Nazi gangs in attacks on
immigrants and race places, while the officer occupying army, gives way to all sorts of
para-mafia -mpravous , narkemporous, minions of magnates - who forcibly impose their
presence and turned against the movement to seamlessly continue to prey neighborhoods
turning them into the manor. To show then the state, as a regulator of social normalcy to
the established rhetoric on "fight against crime" to slander competitors and show the
brutal repressive face.
For our part, as anarchists, we attempt to connect and synolikopoiisoume our resistance
against the capitalist barbarism and state repression. Organize social and class
counter-attack that will create cracks in the state and capital. Give battles and
struggles from below, unmediated, defending the occupation, the structures of the
movement, our comrades and those who are struggling. As state repression, the ekfasismos,
war and modern totalitarianism epelafnoun on our lives, the social revolution is the only
way in the struggle for life and dignity.
For a world of equality, solidarity and freedom.
For anarchy and libertarian communism.
SOLIDARITY IN comrades prosecuted for the seizure of the orphanage
CONCENTRATION IN COURTS Thessaloniki, May 31, 9am
Political organization-Anarchist Federation collectivity
Message: 8
The tourist season, thousands of people left on the Adriatic coast in search of work in
hotels, restaurants, taverns, inns, horticulture (landscaping), pizzerias, pastry shops,
stores, bakeries, beaches and so on. It is no secret that the service sector is one of the
fastest growing in Croatia, and thus clearly goes to the highest stress and margins with
employers, managers and customers just on the shoulders of a cleaner, a cook, maid,
waiter, bartender, courier, picajola, a seller and Fig. workers. Conditions are
particularly difficult primarily because of the heat, but also the speed and performance
of repetitive work. In such conditions it is necessary to know the whole story does not
have to be obedient, fearful and humble workers, but we can recognize in each other
collaborators and look for weaknesses in people who exploit us while sweaty fuck around
for every single dollar.
Some of the points that you highlighted are:
Do not hesitate to inquire about the salaries of your predecessors and colleagues from
other related companies. The point is not to agree to lower pay than others, but to seek
the same treatment or a higher salary. Why to work for change, if the boss really NAMLI
steam through the season.
As workers communicate with each other in the workplace with employees from your immediate
surroundings, these people may be your co-workers more than bosses and customers.
Saleswoman from trade with the waiter from the restaurant "opposite", picajolo by courier
etc. So you can find out the habits of your customers and staff watching over you
(managers, colleagues, "Druker," the director), but also make new friends.
Do not suffer dangerous and unfavorable conditions, your health and life are much more
important than the business enterprise and profits boss. If your hot breath of fresh air,
take the brief from the stuffy room. If you are tired, stop, take a break. If the
equipment with which you handle invalid are not to be at risk, ask for another. To do
better practice you have to understand how you get only a fraction of the profit that the
boss collects and how your health is listed beneath its earnings.
Do not think that you are helpless, no company does not like bad publicity and problems in
the workplace. If you have experienced humiliation, injustice or dangerous working
conditions - do not be silent. None of the bosses would not want him in high season
someone destroys the "good reputation and name" anonymous articles on the Internet,
graffiti on the facade, a bunch of flyers that warn employees and customers what the
employer does. Be imaginative, patient and smart, because there are numerous ways to
master, reduce profits for the benefit of workers.
Get to know your rights (Labor Law), but keep in mind that most employers do not respect
you if you do not find the pressure (usually working collectives).
We wish you a pleasant summer and the season, at the same time wishing combative and
resolute men and women workers - who will not be humiliated and understand that we have to
carve for ourselves, because no one comes to rescue.
This is the official website of the Network of anarchists (MASA), regional networks and
members of the Federation for anarchist organizing (FAO, Slovenia & Croatia), and the
International of Anarchist Federations (IAF-IFA).
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