Anarchic update news all over the world - 23.06.2017

Today's Topics:


1.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL #272 - social, Fougères:
      A self-managed place to organize without isolating oneself (fr,
      it, pt) [machine translation] (

2.  US, May 1 Anarchist Alliance - "This City killed my son and
      his murderer got away!" (

3.  Libertarian Thessaloniki Initiative: Text & Solidarity
      poster to requests Coordinating prisoners Struggle -- Echoes THE
      PRISONS (gr) [machine translation] (

4.  Argentina, fora-ait ar: The #17 laburante (ca)


Message: 1

A place to experiment with self-management and direct democracy is the project that 
activists from Fougères (Ille-et-Vilaine) have been living since  May 1 st. ---- Since 
February, activists, activists, inhabitants of Fougeres, sub-prefecture of the north of 
Ille-et-Vilaine, in Brittany, rent a room in order to make it a place that will allow to 
experiment Self-management and direct democracy. ---- This place is political, its 
objective is to propose a space of encounter, construction of struggles, sharing of 
knowledge and skills. Activities will be organized according to the wishes of each of 
them: bookshop, library, parents café, signed café, furniture construction, public 
meetings, screenings, canteens, public writer, French, Arabic and Russian courses, 
Permanence of trade unions and political organizations ...

We also want to build a non-commercial space by offering, as much as possible, free or 
free-price activities. A free zone, in particular, should be set up.

Building and developing such a place also aims to democratize some of our principles and 

Open to all, the local has adopted a charter whose objective is to lay down the great 
principles among which, among others, antipatriacat, antiracism and anti-fascism. A rules 
of procedure stipulate the mode of operation in order to guarantee the self-management of 
the place.

Since the announcement of the opening of this premises, people regularly contacted the 
members of the place to propose activities, including exchanges of knowledge.

Do not lock yourself

The premises are located in the center of Fougères. The construction of large areas of 
activity on the outskirts of the city has resulted in the gradual closure of many 
businesses. This situation has led to the emergence of various alternative projects over 
the last few months, such as a bookstore and a restaurant and a grocery store based on 
local producers, for example.

We do not want to lock ourselves in the city center, which is why we want to set up " 
ephemeral social centers  ", in short time and outside, in other parts of the city. They 
can take the form of meeting spaces and political exchanges or free zones.

Members of the local wish an opening for the 1 st  May If the progress of the works does 
not allow it will take place on the 8th. To have this information you can consult our 
facebook page. You can also financially support: .

If you live nearby you can also come during the time of works and activities by contacting 

The facebook page of the room

Morgane (AL Fougères)


Message: 2

"This City killed my son and his murderer got away!" "The system continues to fail black 
people, and it will continue to fail you all." - Valerie Castile, mother of Philando 


Message: 3

On 18/5 the prisoners of Korydallos prison (wards A, B, C, D) start protests demanding the 
fulfillment of a series of requests. In their call for massification mobilizations 
positively respond prisoners located in basements of female prison of Korydallos, 
prisoners of Patras prison (wards A, B, C), the inmates of the prison of Korydallos and 
detainees in prisons Nigritas, Domokos, Chania and Vlora. From the very first moment of 
mobilization recommended Coordinating struggle to coordinate the struggle and massing of 
more than prisoners. ---- The demands of the prisoners and their ensuing fight an 
embankment in aftarchikopoiisis draft legal framework for those insiders. ----  More 
specifically, prisoners require: ---- The establishment of provisions of Law 4322/2015 
(Paraskevopoulos law) without restrictions and exceptions. This law concerns releases 
prisoners. But the arbitrariness of the judicial crisis, cuts and sews the law as they see 
fit, especially through the imminent introduction of the Judicial Council, with 
responsibility of approving or denying parole. As a result, an informal machinations 
hostage for prisoners. However, "prominent" figures of the political elite as Akis 
Tsochatzopoulos and Vassilis Papageorgopoulos, known particularly for misappropriation 
Pactolus of money, were among the beneficiaries of the law, proving that justice is class 
and conniving to "own the children".

The abolition of the prosecution vetoed licensing. This law holds from time minister of 
the New Democracy MP Nikos Dendias and solves the hands of prosecutors. Thus, even if the 
Board of Prison majority opinion in favor of the authorization, the veto prosecutor 
overcomes the aforementioned process and dismisses the authorization. Obviously, there are 
attachment straps government administrators-prosecutor, which explains and turpitude of 
the prosecution veto over licensing, especially if one considers that the prosecutors have 
not the slightest friction with the prisoners, but their only see in disciplinary boards 
that decide on their punishment or councils concerning licensing.

Repealing the law on cumulative serving the sentence for certain offenses in prison, 
during the license or after the violation, resulting in detainees being forced to serve 
both penalties separately. In this way they loaded more years to prisoners, as is 
recognized by the legal framework merging the sentences. This means that the offenses that 
occur within prison in license period or after a breach thereof, begin to serve after 
completion of the initial penalty. This measure is targeted vengeance and fighting 
demonstrations and riots in prisons, and daily resistance of prisoners against 
arbitrariness and brutality of their jailers, forming beyond terror, another close loop on 
the neck of inclusions.
In the period of aggressive recapitalization we live, where to overcome the 
overaccumulation crisis of capitalism structural element, passes through the growing 
material bled social base, social consensus and legitimacy of the regime is weakening. 
Weakens as the material needs pushing "from below" that have to pay the bill, the state 
and capitalist barbarism determine the merits of who lives and how he lives and who dies. 
Therefore, the perpetuation of sovereignty necessarily passes through the imposition of 
emergency conditions and exemption status and exclusion for those who abound for those who 
have no utility in the reproduction of capital.

In the above just general condition and related policy management, key role played by 
prisons. Apart from the absolute control exercised, disciplining the dominant regularity 
at the state and capital requirements, the use of physical and psychological violence, 
prisons today are souls warehouses. Locations where stacked redundant workers, excluded 
from society, vindictively shut behind bars. also immure fighters who choose to confront 
politically dominant, aiming to overthrow. All these pieces are isolated and excluded from 
other social body. ultimately subject to a special institutional management. Of the 
inmates in the women's wing of Korydallos prison, until the inmates of hell (Hospital 
Prisoners Korydallos "Agios Paflos"), deprived and the most basic medical care resulting 
in almost count every month deaths, until political prisoners deprived of licensing either 
because of their refusal to renounce their political beliefs and their actions (D. 
Koufodinas, K. Gournas) or because of artificial bureaucratic obstacles (Sarafoudis, 
Harrison Karagiannidis etc. , Deprivation that continues to subject the latter) the State, 
assisted by the key supporting the levers, legal and based on prosecutorial body (and the 
criminal code formed occasionally in the interests of "from above", contributing to social 
base) and prisons, indicates the hardest face, expressing fury with the revenge of those 

What we know is that nothing, even partial, is not gained without struggle. And if the 
respective State administrators are trying to convince us to make concessions on their 
good heart, the very subject of the fight know very well that the partial conquests and 
victories piecemeal toward our class enemy is the result of long struggles. At the same 
time, promises SY.RIZ.A. to respect the rights and improve living conditions in prisons, 
after having capitalized the polls collapsed miserably. Instead, the Communist Party of 
has shown blatant cruelty towards inclusions subjects, civil and criminal, clearly 
confirming that the state has continued.

Partial matches are important for us to breathe. However, before we get rid of the state 
and capitalist barbarism, we can link these struggles with a global revolutionary project 
that will wreck the world of the state and capitalism, to give way to an emancipated civil 
society freedom and economic equality in a society of generalized self-management, 
solidarity as a coherent bond.

For this reason we make common fronts struggle inside and outside the walls. To tear down 
ultimately to the last prison. To break free from all bondage.



Collegiality Anarchists from East

Libertarian Thessaloniki Initiative

Prisoners Solidarity Fund and persecuted fighters Thes / niki


Message: 4

Compañerxs, we share with you a new issue of our union bulletin with news and opinion notes.
You can download it by clicking on the following link: June 2017web


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