AIPPI/AIPLA Event: Copyright in a digital age - US and UK perspectives

With the AmeriKat spending much of her time flicking between the US and UK this year, she has been enjoying some UK/US comparative legal analysis of the two IP systems.  Although there is much changing in the patent realm on both sides of the Atlantic, those changes do not compare with what is going on in copyright.   In the AmeriKat's view, copyright law is far more challenging than patent law and the old justification that the subject matter of patents makes patent law more difficult no longer flies.  The incredible developments in technology - how information is created, by what technological process, how information is accessed and where it is used - means the subject matter once the purvey of the patent world has crossed into the copyright realm.  And who is litigating big copyright cases? The big tech giants - Google, Oracle, Pandora and Facebook.

In recent years the EU has been out-pacing the US in copyright policy and reform.  Where does that leave things in the US and with this current administration?  Will the EU copyright developments facilitate an environment that enables tech-start ups to flourish?  Will the special relationship extend to matters of copyright law?

Well, now is your chance to dive into those questions at next week's joint AIPPI/AIPLA event on 15 June 2017 at 5:30 PM (6PM start) at Bird & Bird.  The event blurb states that:
"AIPPI UK is delighted to host a delegation from AIPLA (American Intellectual Property Association) for a joint discussion on copyright law in the digital age with a particular focus on exhaustion of rights and the development of digital marketplaces for pre-owned digital copies."
The IPKat's very own Eleonora Rosati and Maria Scungio (Locke Lord LLP) will be providing viewpoints from the UK and US, respectively.  After their exciting presentations, there will be an extended, lively debate and Q&A between AIPLA members and AIPPI's UK audience.  Drinks will be served afterwards.

The AmeriKat expects this event to book up quickly, so reserve your place here and see you next week!

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