I have made my personal commitment to be positive. What has me concerned is the quick rush i have already seen by so many to support a ban of dissenting opinion. While i would ask that each person take the time to "self evaluate" what they are saying and what their words will accomplish in this forum. I would like to also take a moment and remind everyone exactly what principle we are all built upon.
The concept of "agency" seem to be one of the center most pillars in the foundation of our society and most religions. Agency meaning that a law abiding citizen has certain rights we stand to uphold, even if we do not agree with what is done or said. Agency, meaning i can make the right choices and enjoy the fruits of my labor or make the wrong choices and be held to account. That concept of agency and the power to exercise it appropriately is what i would determine to be one of our defining characteristics.
The freedom of speech being in the 1st amendment is not a freedom we should be so quick to remove from another. I ask that your statements be positive, furthermore, what i would say is that if you choose to dissent, and are too cowardly to include your name, then your post is assumed forfeit. If, however, you do wish to comment and are strong enough to include your name, i welcome a diverse set of opinions. Another defining characteristic of an intelligent individual is to KNOW right from wrong, and know which to listen to. It is not our job to be judge, jury and executioner. The right to truly judge is saved for but one. If your comments violate law, then justice shall be your guide.
For us to return to a "Salem witch trial" format where "Goody Sierra" turned me into a newt, ("I got bettah") and should now be burned at the stake. (sorry Sierra, just pulled a name out, Harmony was next.) Or McCarthyism where the "red scare" was everywhere..The right to voice ones' opinion is not a right i will take away, in fact i will fight for those rights to remain intact. Millions before us have died to protect these rights, our desires to revalue currencies should not fundamentally change those positions. Instead i will try to be the example for all to commit to positivity. No More, No Less.
