
The Albanian version of "Called to serve," says,"Para, gjithmon’ para... ("Onward, ever onward...)
Para, shkojm’ për para" (Forward, pressing forward")

Plot twist: The word "para" (means Onward, and Forward, in this song) it can also mean "Money." This is how I sing it (translated included)

"Money, Always' Money,
Money, we go for money" 

This is my new favorite song! ;)

There was on earthquake here! There I was sitting in the church, having a lesson, when the church shook a little bit! It was an earthquake!!
Magnitude: 3.2 Depth: 1 km.


I was sitting at home when all of a sudden, I got a call from President.  At first I was like, oh crap! Then I was like, maybe he wants to congratulate me on surviving the earthquake? I answered it! He didn't wanna congratulate me, but it was okay. President invited us to go to lunch with him. He was going to lunch with a member and wanted us to translate! We got free food, and got to hang out with President and His wife! IT WAS DOPE!!

I thought that the earthquake was the coolest thing that happened this week until...Ba* (50 years old recent convert) was wearing some legendary Spider-man socks at Church! I was so proud of him!

Our investigators are all doing good. Missionary work is normal! Tomorrow we are going to Elbasan for mission conference!

Spiritual Thought: Alma 1:25 "Now this was a great trial to those that did stand fast in the faith; nevertheless, they were steadfast and immovable in keeping the commandments of God, and they bore with patience the persecution which was heaped upon them."

I am so grateful for their wonderful examples, and I hope that during our lives we can stand fast in faith, being steadfast and immovable in keeping the commandments of God, and be more patient during our persecutions and trials!

Love you all! have a great day!
Elder Michael Ueston

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