"For One Who Knows" by (Anonymous) - 5.24.17

Entry Submitted Anonymously at 10:00 AM EDT on May 24, 2017

Bruce mentioned that the ELDERS are in Tier 2, and "We know the elders have begun to have access to their accounts".

My question to you is why do the ELDERS get PAID, if they are supplying the Gold to fund the RV. Could you explain this to me. Do they pay themselves, so they have funds to live on as we will, for personal and humanitarian use?

Is this why Zap has not been paid?

Bruce mentioned last October, that money was transferred with 24 zero's behind it, 3 or 4 tranches. Then, in March it happened again, so I guess it never happened in October.

What can we really believe what is going on. Is this Event even REAL?

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