The U.S. press will spend the weekend looking for "Yuri", but I have my own ideas...

However, whether this all implodes due to circus headline risk or due to risk off self-implosion, really doesn't matter. The now daily shocking headline just broke in the final hour of trading on Friday, featuring two new stories for bulltards to contemplate over a long weekend, and I'm not referring to a holiday next week...

First, Trump told his Russian handlers that the pressure is now off. Now we know why U.S. reporters were not allowed in the room:

In an Oval Office meeting last week, President Donald Trump reportedly told Russian diplomats that ex-FBI Director James Comey is a "nut job" and that firing him relieved "great pressure

"Comey was fired? No kidding. I ordered that to happen"

In the second headline that just broke, we learn that someone still working in the White House close to Trump is under investigation. Now look at the video above again...

The person in question is a senior advisor in the White House and is close to the president, The Post reported, citing people familiar with the matter.

[FULL DISCLOSURE: This is all conjecture from here down]

This week: 
Rex Tillerson Grilled On Why He Didn't Address Russia Hack

You know, these are not new tactics on the part of the Russian government, directed not only at us but at others

Mr. Secretary, though, this is fundamental. They interfered with our democracy. I just don't understand how this is not a top issue for you to deal with, with them, in order to essentially start with a clean slate

Business Insider: A Timeline on Tillerson's Relationship With Putin

Putin even personally awarded Tillerson with Russia's Order of Friendship medal in 2013, the highest honor bestowed on foreign citizens. It is given to foreigners whom the Russian government believes have helped Russia and its people.

"Enjoy the weekend"

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