Mother's Day/ Family Pictures

One of the hardest pictures to take is one with our whole family in it.  I know the kids never last long when it comes to pictures so I tried to have everything set up beforehand.  We took these right after church last week so no one even had to spend time getting dressed for the pictures.  The hardest thing for me was the weather, I really wanted a lot of natural light coming in through the window but that didn't quite happen.  I'm happy with how they turned out!
With all seven of us on the bed it hardly looks king sized.

This picture of just the three of us was a breeze compared to the one with the kids.  You can't even tell that Calista was upset almost the whole time.

This mothers day the kids brought me a cinnamon roll for breakfast in bed.  It was great!  Then when I came downstairs I had an abundance of cards the kids made for me.  The best presents are the ones the kids make.  They are so sweet.
 Bob helped with the giant candy covered card.
 After church we went to over to my moms to spend time with her and my sister.  The only thing I would have changed about the day if I could was the pouring down rain.
I love my kids so much!  It was hard to believe this Mother's Day that I am the mother to five children!  Often I feel overwhelmed at the amount of work and the huge responsibility I feel to do a good job raising them.  I am honored that Heavenly Father sent them to me to be their mom.

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