I had a dream last night that I was working on a movement to bring to the New Earth. In my dream I saw the old ways of talking from the mind, talking down to others and talking to others like somehow they were not as elevated as we were. I remember when I got so disgusted with the so-called spiritual community of so-called Light Workers, that I changed my name from Shaman Ziggy to Gardener Ziggy. The hardest for me to stomach was the so-called Light Workers asking everyone else to raise the vibrations in their 'talk the talk', but when I looked at how they acted, it was so clear they did not understand what it meant to 'walk the walk'. I love the Positive / Negative / Neutral buttons Patrick added, if for no other reason than to act as a mirror to those posting of how those on the stoop view their vibration. If you start getting above 20% Negative on your post, you might want to see if you can be more inclusive of those you are trying to lecture to. When the mind sees something as a negative, it stops listening to what is being said and starts running it's own dialogue on what it dislikes about what you are saying, thus creating a big negative in the collective consciousness.
I have been writing and posting on the Internet for almost 15 years and am proud to say I have never had anyone attack me in public. Maybe it's because I all-ways know it takes two to fight and if I remove myself from the fight, they are left swinging at thin air. Then, when they wear themselves out, it's a whole lot easier to hug them. That is where my dream led me, to the heart and to a message of Love being the future we are all soon to deliver. Tears of Joy is proud to say she wears rose colored glasses and well, I guess I do too, because I believe every message posted here on D.C. can be sent with love as the core vibration to what the message is there to achieve. Even when I called out the trolls on this site, I did it with a kind of "Come on guys, get on board. There's a train a leavin' and you don't want to miss it." In the dream I moved from my thinking mind to my feeling heart and I asked myself what was so different about those two worlds? In the thinking mind there is so much room for doubt, confusion, outside influence, concern, worry, judgement and many other emotions to take you away. In the feeling heart there is only peace, love and understanding. So the movement was to help people make the transition from their thinking minds to their healing hearts. We did that by finding our own healing hearts opening them up and connecting them to others we wished to help find their way into the world of Love sweet Love. In the old world there was always a good reason to get angry, to hate, to judge, to condemn, to chastise and to punish because there were so many operating out of their thinking, manipulating, calculating, greedy minds. However, in the New Earth we are co-creating right NOW right here, kindness, compassion, tenderness, acceptance and love will be the rule of the day and out of that rule will come a very cool place to live for us all. Who here likes watching others attack and demean anyone right now as we are waiting to spread our kindness and compassion over this earth by helping and healing humanity from all the damage that has been done by the old behaviors? I do not see any hands up, so I will take that as a No. Keep the faith and most of all find and keep your loving heart. It will serve you and this planet well, as we move into the next several thousand years of Love sweet Love.
Laying down your weapons is easy. Just ask your loving heart, how it would like to be remember, God is watching you and I believe also smiling, as She watches us all live, learn and love.
I love you all and I have so much faith in your ability to live in your loving heart all-ways.
Amazing what a little bit of Love can do!