Yet more paparazzi pictures have made their way online this week. This time, they show Kevin Webster "sneaking off to a hotel".
And in soap land, that can only mean one thing - he's up to no good. But who with? We know that Anna has been cool towards Kevin lately, so has he turned his attentions elsewhere?
Well, also snapped in the pics was Claire King, who plays Erica Holroyd. So could Kevin and Erica be sneaking into the hotel together for a bit of sub-duvet delight?
Erica Holroyd is one of the four characters we blogged about this week, saying that we'd like to see more of her. Let's hope this is the start. But Erica and Kevin? Well, it doesn't do it for me!
You can see the pictures at Digital Spy
Why don't we put paparazzi pictures here on the Coronation Street Blog? Because you have to pay to use them and photographers feel as strongly about having their work nicked and used online as I do about having our words taken. So we respect the photographers. Just wish the tabloids would respect us too.
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