Institute for the Study of the Ancient World Video Lecture Archive

Institute for the Study of the Ancient World Video Lecture Archive
Videos of past events at ISAW are now available in the Video Archive found on our Events page. We will continue to add more recordings as they become available.
The following public lectures are available to watch online:
A Paradise in the Caucasus: An Achaemenid Residence in Azerbaijan
Guest Lecture
Florian Knauss, Director of Staatliche Antikensammlungen und Glyptothek, München
May 2, 2017 
New Term Excavations at Kültepe: The First International Trade Center in Anatolia
Guest Lecture
Fikri Kulakoglu, Ankara University
March 28, 2017 
Globalising the Mediterranean's Iron Age
Guest Lecture
Tamar Hodos, University of Bristol
March 20, 2017
Medicine and the Humanities from Ancient to ModernFaculty Lecture
Claire Bubb, ISAW
March 9, 2017
Time and Cosmos in Greco-Roman AstrologyExhibition Lecture
Stephan Heilen, University of Osnabrück
February 27, 2017
Fantastical Space and Heroic Journeys in Mesopotamian Literature Faculty Lecture
Gina Konstantopoulos, ISAW Visiting Assistant Professor
February 21, 2017 
Enigmatic Sites and Headless Nubians: Exploring the Eastern Desert of Late Roman EgyptARCE Lecture
Colleen M. Darnell, University of Hartford
February 2, 2017 
Geographical Portable Sundials: Reliable Instruments or Roman Fashion Statements?Exhibition LectureRichard Talbert, University of North CarolinaJanuary 26, 2017
Weeks, Months, and Years in Greek and Roman CalendarsExhibition LectureDaryn Lehoux, Queen's UniversityDecember 1, 2016
Imhotep Comes Forth by Day
ARCE Lecture
Janice Kamrin, Metropolitan Museum of Art
November 17, 2016
Fruits of the Silk Road
VRS Lecture
Robert Spengler, Visiting Research Scholar, ISAW
November 15, 2016
Ancient Sundials: Art, Technology, and Culture
Exhibition Lecture
James Evans, University of Puget Sound
November 10, 2016
A People Without a Name or, Who Were the Hittites?
Tenth Annual Leon Levy Lecture
Theo van den Hout, Arthur and Joann Rasmussen Professor of Western Civilization and of Hittite and Anatolian Languages, Oriental Institute of the University of ChicagoNovember 3, 2016
Decrepit Rome, your morals disintegrate, your walls collapse!Critique of Rome in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
VRS Lecture
Maya Maskarinec, Visiting Research Scholar, ISAW
October 25, 2016
Death and Taxes?
Economy, Society and the Imperial State in Babylonia in the Sixth Century BCE
Michael Jursa, Professor of Assyriology at the University of Vienna, Corresponding Fellow of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
September 29, 2016
Herodes Atticus and the Greco-Roman World: Imperial Cosmos, Cosmic Allusions, Art and Culture in his Estate in Southern PeloponneseExhibition Lecture
Georgios Spyropoulos, Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sport, Directorate General of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage, Athens
September 13, 2016
Silk Roads and Steppe Roads of Medieval China: History Unearthed from Tombs, IV
A Tang Dynasty Ally in War and Ritual: The Tomb of Pugu Yitu (635-678) in Mongolia
Rostovtzeff Lecture Series
Jonathan K. Skaff, Visiting Research Scholar, ISAW
April 19, 2016
Silk Roads and Steppe Roads of Medieval China: History Unearthed from Tombs, III
Sogdians or Borderlanders?, Part II: Death Rituals Revealed in Tombs
Rostovtzeff Lecture Series
Jonathan K. Skaff, Visiting Research Scholar, ISAWApril 12, 2016
Silk Roads and Steppe Roads of Medieval China: History Unearthed from Tombs, II
Sogdians or Borderlanders?, Part I: Lives Revealed in Epitaphs
Rostovtzeff Lecture Series
Jonathan K. Skaff, Visiting Research Scholar, ISAWApril 5, 2016
Silk Roads and Steppe Roads of Medieval China: History Unearthed from Tombs, I
A Slave Road? Sogdian Merchants and Foreign Slaves at Turfan
Rostovtzeff Lecture Series
Jonathan K. Skaff, Visiting Research Scholar, ISAWMarch 29, 2016
Memory, Tradition, and Image Production in Ancient Mesopotamia
Faculty Lecture
Beate Pongratz-Leisten, Professor of Ancient Near Eastern Studies, ISAW
March 24, 2016

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