"Re: I Predict Yosef is Wrong" by Dante - 5.10.17

Entry Submitted by Dante at 4:14 AM EDT on May 10, 2017

(Post has been removed)

Dearest Anonymous

I read your post as I read many others, I find it sad that so many try to negatively define those whom are so desperately trying to uplift those who need a boost in faith, I have my own religious beliefs they do not always concur with many that I see here, but I like to read between the lines and absorb those with good intent, I often am chastised for my beliefs. I am a Christian, I do concur that many atrocities were executed in the name of God ( I do not endorse any of them ) since I have always believed if Our Creator created Us, it certainly was not so that we would kill each other off in his name, nor bear false witness against one another, nor take away what is given to someone else.

I believe that every Guru here believes and share what they know and truly believe based on the Intel they receive.

This is by far not my area of expertise, I invested in various currencies simply to give as gifts to others because of their uniqueness when I saw a 100 Trillion dollars I thought cool, that's a fun thing to share so I gave some away, simply as a present. Then one of the individuals to whom I gave one to told me it was real and thanked me and led me to Dinar Chronicles, where I was totally blown away, all of a sudden I realized how if it was possible I could help with more meat on the bones some of those I was already helping in a much bigger way. I already had the infrastructure built with people I am involved with on 5 continents, if this comes through Great otherwise I will continue doing what I do in a much smaller scale, I have not shared outside of a few of this groups Gurus what my plans are. That way no one needs to be upset if it does not materialize except my Secretary who visited me last week from the Netherlands as I have given him some of the Currency I have. That way he could redeem it over there without spending another 15 hours in flight. Poor guy, he's still jet lagged.

As far as Yosef I admire him and his tenacity, I don't agree with everything he says, but I respect that he is a master of his convictions, I notice that not all the Gurus always agree but I truly believe they all share with the best of intentions what was shared with them so let's all give them a big hand of applause, because if I was them I would not waste my time and energy with people that don't like what I say, I would just simply walk away, it really would be much less stressful on all of them.

Thank you Patrick for taking the time and interest in all that you do for all of us, and thank you OWK, BRUCE, YOSEF and all the other Gurus for keeping on trucking and encouraging us on the Wonderful Dreams that can possibly make this world a Much Better Place.

My uncle who came from Ireland coined a phrase many years ago "Dream a Life and Live the Dream" as he was digging ditches in front of a gold mine which he eventually owned. You can read about him in a book called "50 miles of Gold" he was know to his friends and family as Paddy.

Respectfully Yours

+++ Dante

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