Save Young Man from Execution
in Saudi Arabia!
in Saudi Arabia!
Dear friends, Saudi Arabia has condemned a young man to death. His crime? He's an atheist. When I learned this news, I was shocked, heartbroken, and outraged. So I started a Care2 petition demanding that Saudi Arabia reverse its decision and halt the execution of this man. Will you sign it and help me save his life? Ahmad Al Shamri is a 20-something-year-old in Saudi Arabia who spends time doing what many of us do — using social media to share views on life, religion, and the world. But when he revealed online that he was an atheist, the Saudi authorities took notice and immediately came after him. A Saudi Arabian court first sentenced Mr. Shamri to death in February 2015, but he appealed the verdict and has spent years in prison waiting for the court to overturn the punishment. Now, the Saudi Supreme Court has issued its final verdict: Mr. Shamri will be killed for his beliefs. I don't know when or how Mr. Shamri will be executed. I don't know how much time he has left. But I do know that no one should be murdered for their personal beliefs. Thank you for all that you do,