"Money, Good or Bad?" by Harmony - 5.22.17

Entry Submitted by Harmony at 3:51 AM EDT on May 22, 2017

Good morning to my beautiful soul family.

Just reading Heisenberg's post brought to mind a conversation I and a friend were having the other day about money.

On the whole, we've been encouraged and conditioned to believe that money is bad. Because of what it can do to us. Just look at the Cabal, and of course the irony in this is that it's they who've worked hard to convince us of this. What a great example!!!

I've known many people who most definitely haven't used money for good. Such a shame.

Yet I also know of others who absolutely have used it for good. So of course it's possible. Absolutely possible!

And just because most of us have had relatively little all our lives, doesn't mean for one moment that when we do it will somehow corrupt us, or we'll use it badly. We've all had long enough to think about this.

Money isn't intrinsically good or bad in or of itself. It just is. It's an energy, and like any other energy, can be used in many ways.

It's a tool, something to be used to get us from where we are to where we want to be, whether it's buying a loaf of bread, or blessing humanity.

Once we can get our hearts and minds out of the old mindset of money being "the root of all evil", then we can do amazing things with it, for the benefit and good of all.

In this family we (mostly) have travelled a long way spiritually, and are now equipped to be using this wonderful tool for the liberation of our planet and all its beings, to bring peace, joy and bliss into people's lives. And in their (and our) liberation, they will do the same.

(Oh, and this UK person still hasn't exchanged, but with the rest of you, everywhere, am expecting to be doing so very soon! Feeling that euphoric love that Yosef sent out!).

Sending love and blessings to you all.

Harmony xxx

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