El Morya, Lord of the First Ray

El Morya...

El Morya is the chohan of the first ray and chief of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood. El Morya represents the godly attributes of courage, certainty, power, forthrightness, self-reliance, dependability, faith and initiative. These are the qualities of the Father principle—the statesman, the executive, the ruler.

Because he has ably outpictured these essential virtues, El Morya has, through many embodiments, worn the crown of authority, ruling many kingdoms wisely and well. His rulership has not been that of a dictator, demanding that his subjects submit to his human will; but rather, his interpretation of government is God-over-men and his concept of true statesmen is God's overmen. He inspires in his subjects illumined obedience to the holy will of God.

Initiation of the Throat Chakra
Gifts of Faith in God's Will and the Word of Wisdom
Retreats: The Temple of Good Will over Darjeeling, India
El Capitan, Yosemite Valley, California
Vibration: Blue, White
Keynote: Edward Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance, March #1
Gemstone: Diamond, Sapphire, Star Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli
Qualities: Power, Goodwill, Faith
Day: Tuesday
Quick Prayer: “Beloved El Morya, in the name of the Christ: Charge my four lower bodies with the will of God and my divine blueprint.”

Prayer—an Example of the Sacred Science of Sound

Beloved ones, I would speak to you this day on the power of transformative prayer. The Word made flesh is the precipitation in matter form of the vibrations of the Godhead through the sounding of the sound of the sacred OM. The flowering of sound through the tonal qualities of each alphabetic utterance of words and combinations of words as mantras is for the purpose of extending the voice of God into your world. And holy, transformative prayer is one aspect and example of the sacred science of sound through spoken words.

In all cultures and religious movements, prayer has been the cornerstone of spiritual practices that bind you directly to God through the stream of the Word, as Above so below. Even as the Word descends to you through the agency of the Holy Spirit as the frequencies of the Christos, the light that lighteth every man, woman and child who is born upon earth, so that same light ascends as you employ the gift of Selfhood through the Christ-flame within as you pray.

Invoke God’s Transforming Presence

Invocative prayer first convokes the presence of God’s beingness where you are through calling upon the name of God. Whether you utter the unutterable Word or you allow the flow of that Word through you in an action of speech through your throat chakra to step down the frequencies of the Godhead in its various manifestations of beingness through numerous sacred names, you tie into the perfection that symbology of the syllables that you utter represent as a pure vibration of light.

The transformative power of prayer is manifest as you allow the higher tonal resonance of the Godhead to vibrate within your being at all levels, through every cell, every system, focused through your chakras and meridians, revififying your life and then in an expressive manner blessing all life. If, through presence awareness, you allow the beautiful aspects of the Godhead in all its expressive virtues and divine qualities to flow through you in a pure stream of light, then the power of transformation in your world moves you day by day into higher consciousness.

Devotion and Gratitude Are Keys to Prayer Power

But if there is not the fullness of awareness through a vibration of reverential devotion, praise and divine sublimation manifesting and resonating through your whole being, then you shortchange the potential power of fohat to recreate you, day by day, through your rituals and prayer sessions, beloved ones.

The quantity of transformative power through prayer that you have access to is directly related to the quality of your heart emanations, maximized through holy vision and then grounded within your living environment where you abide, through the sacred throat chakra which squares the action of light in four dimensions of being through the sixteen petals of this power center. As the tonal frequencies are released in harmony and in a resounding circular and spherical rendering that continues to expand both outward and inward, you re-energize life everywhere, you receive the direct and specific radiance that you, as a God-being, require in that moment of holy presence.

Keep Your Internal Orchestra in Tune!

Blessed ones, although you are a singular being in one sense, each of you is also an orchestra of many vibrations through the constantly spinning petals of your chakras which vibrate and whirl at different rates. As you purify consciousness by meditating upon the perfection within the white-fire core of each chakra and see the Godliness within that sacred center, you may employ the science of mantric sound emanations to resonate within through these divine contact points. And the internal orchestra may play with great synchronicity, harmony and beauty. But if one or another chakra is sluggish, not quite spinning in its true and divinely natal rate, then your prayers, songs and mantras will not affect the highest transformative action within you.

Therefore, I come this day to begin to work with you at a more personal level, if you would have me, to teach you through the messenger and through some who have mastered the science of sound, certain nuances of this science that few of you have fully employed and utilized in its highest aspects. You must all become singers of the new song through acceptance first of the compassionate heart fully within. You must begin to know a higher personal resonance, first by resolving your internal conflicts so that the divine Word, when it comes, may not be constricted within you each time you open your mouth and heart to pray.

love & light ,


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