Coconut Pudding (Angola)

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Coconut Pudding

Coconut desserts are typical in Angola. 'Cocada amarela' is the most popular, but today I present another dessert worldwide known made with coconut: Coconut Pudding.
We are going to cook it using microwave, an easy and fast recipe!.


  • 250g condensed milk.
  • 4 eggs.
  • 125 g grated coconut.
  • 500 ml whole milk.
  • 2 teaspoon cornstarch.
  • 100 g sugar.


Put 100 grams sugar and 50 ml water in a saucepan, heat over medium heat. Stirr until sugar is well disolved. Once it happens, stop stirring to prevent it to crystallize.  
The moment the caramel begins to turn light brown, turn the heat off. 
The remaining heat in the saucepan will be enough to finish the cooking of the caramel.

Pour caramel at the bottom and sides of a microwave safe pudding baking mold.

In a blender combine eggs, milk, condensed milk , grated coconut and cornstarch, blend and pour over the caramelized sugar.

Coconut Pudding

Cook in microwave at maximum power for 10 minutes.

Let cool for several hours, It is better to place it into the fridge during 12 hours and then unmold and taste it!.

corte de Pudding de coco

Comments to the Recipe

It is delicious, condensed milk provides softness and sweetness . It is very easy and fast.


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