Circle of Light Spiritual Center: I AM Calling You Back to Love

I AM Calling You Back to Love

from Circle of Light Spiritual Center thru Yael and Doug Powell

Oh, beloved ones, My humanity, come drink from the Source!

Fill the cups of your days with wonder and the chalices of your precious hearts with ecstasy.

Know that I Am calling you back to Love.

Know that I cherish you and seek to feed you the light-filled nectar of My living presence.

It doesn’t make sense to spend your time seeking answers from intermediaries when those precious moments could be ours – moments spent in My nursing you back to the health of the living spirit.

You are like baby birds. Beautiful and precious. Filled with curiosity and with the hunger for life. Possessing all the necessary apparatus with which to fly, yet, not yet knowing how to use your wings.

You can only learn how to truly fly from Me who made all flight! You can only understand your wings from Me for I designed them!

Let only Me be your parent or you will grow up thinking that you’re a crow or a turkey rather than possessor of the very wings of the spirit-birds you are.

You have a wingspan larger than eternity, and your capacity for flight is truly unlimited.

But if you turn to others for your guidance, you will never know the power of your beating wings, the breathtaking beauty of soaring to the Source, eating light and pouring Love, paired together with your mate, a bird whose flight takes in the omniverse as easily as an eagle glides above the Earth.

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