Entry Submitted by Christopher at 10:35 AM EDT on May 24, 2017
The Graduation of "One", The Collective of All, as We are known, HUmans. As school has prepared us to go out and about. All must trust what we have been taught (and reminded) by The Co. of Heaven. To trust in our selves, our God given Hearts for the Greater Good of All. Our power of manifestation can Be the Collective power to bring forth Peace/Love/Harmony/Gratitude/Abundance for All. As I, We, Us have been schooled by every One from Anastasia to Zorra, We Are The Creators of the New Beautiful Gaia. With this Honor of Responsibility we must Love All in Harmony. The easiest "Thing" to do, for we are reminded (by Jesus)that We Are Love. So for Our Graduation project "We" shall manifest NESARA. Think NESARA, for it Will get hold and grow faster and faster, till it encompasses All living things in Light/Love, As many have said "DO NO HARM", God Bless You All !!