"Spectrum and Free Speech" by TPAO - 5.18.17

Entry Submitted by TPAO at 4:39 AM EDT on May 18, 2017

The discussion about whether there should be free speech allowed on the site or whether it should be lovingly and creatively managed, as in a masterful performance, to suit both the audience and the performers is such a valid one and with much wider implications.

All of the discussion on the forum about all such matters is incredibly healthy. It is a sort of playground where new ideas are tested in a safe environment to understand what the wider implications could, should or would be. A type of foreplay for want of a better word that also adds a lighter dimension lol I remind myself constantly now that learning can be fun…

Microcosm and Macrocosm. We are a microcosm of what larger groups, communities, regions, states, and nations grapple with daily. We know till now there has been an oppressive leadership in place world wide so automatically we would want to ensure NOT to fall into that trap again and so remain as free as we have ideologically dreamed to be in the new age we are moving into. I had hoped it would arrive replete with working models of how to operate all such freedoms practicall. Especially during the transition stages where not everyone is on the same page yet. Or in some cases, even found the book!!

We are here to muddle through this and find the solution, it is not given and indeed that is our challenge and why we are here. To be the solution. So practically how can one ’start’ a new era with a public of which only a fraction realise it is starting anyway, in a practical and workable manner that will accommodate all.

These are questions we all are facing because they will arise in our own personal microcosms that we operate in as well. How will it be different to before? We can all aim for higher vibrations as we do, and also be embodying abundance as we are and will be, however, will that naturally allow us the wisdom of how to manage the practical day to day things like the one that has arisen here now: whether everyone does have a right to air their views here or not.

Both sides of the argument have equal and practical merits. Offensive and negative comments that are blatantly and obviously misinformation it would seem like a fairly simple matter of omitting them. But then where is the line drawn and by whom will it be assessed. I was nearly a casualty of that for having aired opinions of concerns that were not particularly well received. Albeit and I admit they were not well presented on my part, however, someone with earnest intention could have been negated were she not so resolute.

It is so difficult because I too do not like a constant barage of negative commentary that is neither clever or funny. I have a penchant for the latter so can easily read and be entertained by anything well written regardless of whether I agree with it or not. I know what I like and enjoy and if it is creatively put together as a lot of the geopolitical updates are and written as well as they are, then whether I love or do not love Trump is of no consequence, the writers creative endeavours are absolutely enjoyed and appreciated as well as their consistent efforts and service. Yet for many with an allegiance to their President in office, regardless of their political affiliations, these too could be viewed as negative and offensive. So it is a very difficult line to place in the sand.

There is no one right answer, that is the nature of the beast. In this pandoras box of a density we call 3D we are here to experience the full spectrum. Every bit of contrast in every area either directly or indirectly but to be aware of all of its minutae, colour, breadth and texture and polarity, negative and positive. It is only in that knowledge that we can ever have the free will to make a choice of where we wish to place ourselves in that spectrum and/or indeed integrate it and be whole again.

So the spectrum is ours to explore infinitely whilst we have the chance and often that is through the eyes of others rather than by direct experience thank heavens!

That does not answer the very practical question of whether posts should be vetted or not and it is not my place to say whether they should be or not, or by whom. I do believe the discussion about it, as indeed all the discussion on here, is incredibly valuable and productive, even if it feels challenging at times.

I just rejoice in the fact that so many people engage in the wider implications of this reset because the funds and currencies and what have you are only one aspect of the whole reset. For me it is just so inspiring that so many people, from so many backgrounds and on so many levels have such an appreciation of that being the case. The future can only be bright.

With that sort of love and intention underpinning all the discussion there can be no wrong in any of it. Just another aspect of the full spectrum. Patrick has been managing this site for years and I personally have every bit of faith in him and all his choices. I so appreciate Richard/OWK’s ability to bring these issues to the surface for discussion because they are never comfortable issues to acknowledge. They are the difficult things that have to be contended with and thought out rather than swept under the carpet. No one is going to do if for us, there has to be a solution that works for everyone so we may as well get used to facing them from now.

We have all planted the seeds and now is the nurturing and caring that goes into the growth period so we can safely arrive in our garden of roses. Beautiful pink roses ;)

Much love TPAO

PS. My only very personal preference if I may add one, would be for anyone posting to continue to have respect for others when they do. Or at the very least refrain from using coarse or unattractive vulgar language in their description of those otherselves if they have to rebuke them. For me that is what lowers to the tone rather than respectfully written debate. But thats just me and my preference on the spectrum!

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