Anarchic update news all over the world - 22 May 2017

Today's Topics:


1.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL #272 - Turkey: The
      dictatorship constitutionalized to forceps (fr, it, pt) [machine
      translation] (


3. Greece, Strike 17/5: One of the same or a new
      beginning? by Anarchist Federation (gr) [machine translation]

4. A call from Venezuela to the anarchists of
      Latin America and the world: Solidarity is much more than a
      written word. (ca, pt) (

5.  Turkey, anarsi inisiyatifi: METU Revolution March -
      Revolution Ya Our Soul Or No Where (tr) [machine translation]

6. For Pin - Parapeiros dam by Anarchist group
      "restive horse" APO (gr) [machine translation] 



Message: 1

Since 2014, Erdogan has sought by all means to impose a constitutional revision to remain 
indefinitely at the head of the State and to grant full powers. The 16 April referendum, 
supposed to be a step towards popular dedication, will have had the opposite effect: to 
reveal the growing isolation of a man who has fled to the dictatorship. Back on three 
chaotic years. ---- At the head of the country since 2002, Erdogan and his party, the AKP, 
had already been illustrated by their ultra-liberal and reactionary policies as well as by 
their authoritarianism, especially during the Gezi protest in 2013. ---- A premeditated 
chaos ---- In 2014, seeing the end of his mandate approach and not hoping to run for a 
fourth, it is the Constitution itself (established in 1982 following the 1980 military 
coup) that Eddyan aims to tackle . Sure of his popularity, persuaded to be the "  modern 
Sultan  " that Turkey needs, Erdogan is making a custom project. First, to become 
President of the Republic (normally honorary role) while behaving as if he were still 
Prime Minister (thus trampling the Constitution). Then, in a second step, to vote a 
constitutional reform intended to grant the President full powers.

The first part of the plan works as planned: he is elected President of the Republic in 
August 2014 with 52  % of the votes and continues to govern as before. He was convinced 
that the victory in the June 2015 elections would be striking. However, things do not go 
as planned: the pro-HDP party succeeds in joining the assembly (with 13  % of the votes), 
thus preventing the AKP from having the two-thirds majority necessary for a constitutional 
review. Following this failure, Erdogan decides to reconvene elections in November of the 
same year.

Meanwhile, he must bring back to him the most conservative Turkish electorate posing as 
the only bulwark against Kurdish separatism and the threat posed by Syrian chaos. To do 
this, there is nothing like provoking chaos. The Turkish state, already more than 
complacent to Daech, leaves the terrorist organization to attack the Kurdish movement. The 
attack in Suruç in July 2015 (33 deaths) against pro-Kurdish students serves as a pretext 
for Erdogan to launch a "  counter- terrorism" military operation  . In response, Erdogan 
decides to bombard Daech and PKK positions ! The ceasefire is broken.

What Erdogan wanted to happen: war is relaunched in Kurdistan. There followed a bloody 
conflict within the Kurdish urban centers, which killed more than 2,000, most of them very 
young members of the YPS (PKK urban armed wing). The historic centers of Diyarbakir, Cizre 
and Nusaybin are completely destroyed, more than 500,000 people are displaced. This war 
fulfills the objectives set by Erdogan: the AKP wins the absolute majority in the 
elections of November 2015.
Despite this success, the tensions within the state apparatus are becoming stronger: 
Erdogan, disagreements within the army on the Syrian issue, open war of Erdogan against 
his former ally, moderate Islamist Fethullah Gülen.

Taking advantage of the excitement of a large part of the population (tired of the army 
and its putsch), Erdogan immediately instituted a state of emergency. At the same time, 
100,000 people are dismissed from the civil service, thousands of opponents and opponents 
are imprisoned, linked to "  a terrorist organization  ".
Hundreds of media are closed. The Turkish opposition, Social Democratic (CHP) as 
revolutionary, is kneeling. The unions are either silent (for TURK-IS and HAK-IS close to 
power), or the target of a fierce repression (for DISK and KESK, only trade unions to have 
opposed frontally to Erdogan). The Kurdish movement is decimated: the two co-presidents of 
the HDP, their deputies and mayors are arrested,

  Strengthened by his aura of " survivor of the putsch  ", adulated by a part of the 
reactionary electorate, supported by the great international powers, Erdogan believes that 
he is holding an unexpected opportunity to bring to fruition his constitutional reform 
project which he aspires to Since 2014.

The proposed text aims at ending all forms of separation of powers: the President 
concentrates in his own hands the entire executive power (post of Prime Minister 
abolished, possibility for the President to dissolve the Assembly), the quasi -all of the 
legislative power (the possibility of legislating by decree-laws), and almost wholly 
controls the judiciary (including the appointment of judges and prosecutors).

One-way campaign for "  Yes  "

Thanks to the support of the MHP, the extreme right-wing party allied with the AKP, it 
obtained, in February 2017, the adoption of its project by the parliament. It remains to 
be validated by referendum. The campaign is one-way in favor of "  Yes  ".
Rather than a campaign, there is a demonstration of propaganda worthy of a true 
dictatorship, using all the means at its disposal, from the most worn (giant portraits of 
Erdogan), to the most modern (trolls army to flood the networks Social services).

The supporters and supporters of the "  No  " (CHP, HDP, Alevis, KESK and DISK unions) are 
systematically stigmatized as "  terrorists  " and virtually absent from the mainstream 
media. They are also subjected to a series of intimidations, attacks, arrests and banning 
of meetings.

Incapable of convincing the public, and even part of his own camp, of the merits of his 
constitutional reform, too ostensibly to serve his only interest, Erdogan tries to use the 
strategy of tension with the EU countries To awaken the patriotic fiber of conservative 
Turkey. Failure. What was to mark the apogee of the reign of Erdogan turned into a fiasco: 
the Kurdish areas, the south coast and especially the big cities (Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir) 
swung to the "  No  " side.

Anticipating this failure, the government is still taking a step towards dictatorship. 
Massive frauds are organized across the country (more than 1.5 million fraudulent 
bulletins). At the forceps, Erdogan thus achieves his goals: officially, the "  Yes  " 
wins with 51% of the votes. Despite the repressive climate, the Turkish and Kurdish 
opposition denounced this trickery and went down into the street.

By the time this article is written the protests continue. Unfortunately, they seem 
relatively limited. It is therefore a safe bet that, even partially delegitimized, Erdogan 
will not give up his "  victory  " anytime soon. As he himself claims, a "  new era  " is 
in the process of being opened in Turkey ... that of the Islamo-neoliberal dictatorship.

François Lopez


Message: 2

Members of London AF attended and supported the joint actions by Independent Workers Union 
of Great Britain and United Voices of the World Union at the LSE and Senate House in 
support of cleaners and security staff on Wednedsay May 17th.
Later on the same day London AFers supported the picket by Cleaning and Allied Independent 
Workers Union outside HSBC at Canary Wharf in support of cleaners there.


Message: 3

The worst that can happen to you in chains is to get used to. Already, for 7 years, 
periodically state capital "bite" and a new song from the past into the world of work for 
survival. It resembles natural phenomenon every 1.5 years, after an "agonizing" period of 
supposed negotiations Greek state with the patrons, the EU and the IMF, to the announced 
new cuts in wages and pensions, lost new workers rights, We underestimated our class more 
and more. Not even the phraseology does not change from PASOK and ND ND in SYRIZA. ---- 
But it is not a natural phenomenon. It is a political phenomenon produced by the racing 
demobilization of the oppressed society. And that means one thing: you will still 
depreciate more. Today's action is the precursor to the next which is the precursor of the 
next one. Till chapter to achieve full sovereignty over every aspect of our lives.

SYRIZA, for anyone / know a political history that he promised. Not to us. But the regime 
always serve the regime left and social democracy. He absorbed the dynamic social 
counterattack raw mnimoniakon years, dragged her to the humiliation of the polls and after 
an exchange with a position not only in power today, but also as a fixed pole of the new 
two-party system in the coming years. Not bad for Eurocommunists 4%, very bad for all of 
us. Because the best way to get used to your chain is one that promises to send you to 
tell you that it is necessary to wear. SYRIZA was the best gift, the most safe solution 
for the state and capital to the historical period in which we live has decided to "pick 
up" everything.

And then we are facing a new memorandum.

We call on the world to accompany the fighting demonstrations will call and strike on May 
17. To the frame without any illusion that as these remain limited because the vote will 
not be anything other than racing rituals that give a certain discontent message. To the 
frame having in mind that from that very moment to begin a new procedure. A political and 
social militancy process, participation and planned counteroffensive on all fronts: on the 
sidewalk, in the street, at work, in the neighborhood. A match that will last long and 
will be difficult. So difficult, the worse it has become our class position and possible 
blackmail power over us. The cost of resignation already paying and the next time will be 
voting 'memoranda' will be even bigger than today. As long as we tolerate these chains 
will become heavier.

The lies have ended long as we avoid the battle so we will know defeat. On the occasion of 
this memorandum to begin a new period of militant and political reconstruction, 
participation and conflict. Until the hand of the working world become strong and cause 
fear in the state and capital.

Until we realize our strength and rid once and for all from the capitalist parasites and 
any color tint of power managers and our lives.

We need a new beginning.
All the streets.
10:30 COURSE Museum,
we invite the world to support the blocks of base unions

9:00 strike sakes , Tsimiski with Aristotle
10:00 COURSE , Kamara, supporting the blocks of base unions
9:00 COURSE , Venizelos Statue
anarchist Federation


Message: 4

We address all the expressions of the libertarian movement, particularly those of this 
continent, not only to draw their attention to the situation we are living in Venezuela 
since April 2017, but by what we understand as urgency for the international anarchism 
expresses more emphatically on these dramatic circumstances, with positions and actions 
consistent with what has been the preaching and practice of the anti-hierarchic (actual 
word used here is "Ácrata".^N.delT.) ideal in its historical walk. ---- It is deplorable 
that, while on the one hand the Chavista government -today headed by Maduro- together with 
its sounding boards from the outside and, on the other, the opponents from the right and 
the social-democracy, are in disgusting campaigns for selling to world opinion their 
equally biased visions and charged with interests of power, many anarchist voices outside 
of Venezuela have maintained a mutism that is in some way tacit acceptance of what one or 
other of the hungry contenders for state power want to impose as "truth." We know that 
sympathetic voices do not have the access to most media, as it sits ready at the order of 
statists, and that comrades face complex realities where there are issues and problems 
that, due to their proximity, demand their immediate concerns, but we understand that this 
difficulty should not be an obstacle so that, in some modest way, attention, interest and 
solidarity are expressed both for what happens in Venezuela and for what the anarchism in 
this region divulges.

In a rundown of what local anarchism says today, the present juncture shows the fascist 
nature of the Chávez regime -and its sequence with Maduro-, reactionary militarist 
governments that we have denounced forever in El Libertario. It has been a regime linked 
to crime, drug trafficking, looting, corruption, imprisonment of opponents, torture, 
disappearances, apart from the disastrous economic, social, cultural and ethical 
management. Chávez managed to impact with his messianic and charismatic leadership, 
financed by the rise of the price of oil, however after his death and with the end of the 
bonanza, the so-called Bolivarian process deflated, being supported by weak bases. This 
"revolution" followed the historical rentist tradition initiated at the beginning of the 
20th century with the dictator Juan Vicente Gómez, continued by the militarist Marcos 
Pérez Jiménez, and did not cease in the later representative democratic scheme.

There are those at the international level (Noam Chomsky, the best example), that 
rectified their initial support for Venezuelan authoritarianism and today they denounce it 
in a clear way. However, we note with great concern the silence of many anarchists of this 
and other continents about the events in Venezuela. It says an adage: "the one who is 
silent grants", which is perfectly fulfilled when people are starved and criminally 
repressed and who should protest for it say little or nothing. We call on those who 
embrace the libertarian banners to pronounce, if they have not, on our tragedy. For 
indifference, there is no justification if one has an anti-hierarchic (actual word used 
here is "Ácrata".^N.delT.) vision of the world. The opposite is to cover up the government 
farce, forgetting what the anarchists of all time have said about the degradation of 
authoritarian socialism in power. Perhaps in the past the "progressive" mirage of chavismo 
might have deceived even some libertarian people, but being consistent with our ideal it 
is impossible today to continue to hold that belief.

We are in the presence of an agonizing, delegitimized and repressive government that seeks 
to perpetuate itself in power, repudiated by the vast majority of the population, who 
murder through their repressive and paramilitary forces, which also promote looting. A 
corrupt government that blackmails with boxes of food, sold at black market dollar price, 
that participates in all kinds of capitalist business negotiations, a government of 
"bolibourgeois" (a portmanteau of the Bolivarian and bourgeois words.^N.delT.) and 
militarists enriched by the oil rent and ecocide mining. A government that kills with 
starvation and murders, while applying a brutal economic adjustment agreed with the 
transnational capitalism, to which punctually pays a criminal external debt.

It is time to dismantle the pseudo-informative maneuvers of those who pretend to use it at 
an international level for those who control, and those who aspire to control, the 
Venezuelan State, and in this we hope to count on the active support of individualities 
and libertarian groups in both Latin America and the rest of the world. Any sign of 
anarchist solidarity will be welcomed by the Venezuelan anti-hierarchic movement (actual 
word used here is "Ácrata".^N. del T.), certainly small and moving among many 
difficulties, but at the present juncture will be grateful to know that we somehow have 
the support of people from the rest of the globe, either by reproducing and spreading the 
information disseminated by the anarchists of Venezuela, generating opinions and 
reflections that dismantle the visions in this issue that try to be imposed by 
authoritarians from the right and left, and -which would be much better- promoting or 
supporting action initiatives in your respective countries that denounce the circumstances 
of hunger and repression that are now present in Venezuela. Now more than ever it is 
necessary your presence and voice in all the possible scenarios where the tragedy in which 
the Venezuelan people is submerged gets denounced.

El Libertario‘s final note: More comprehensive and detailed analyzes and information on 
what is happening in Venezuela, on the blog of El Libertario. In particular, we recommend 
these posts which briefly outline our vision and position regarding the recent and current 
Venezuelan conjuncture (all in Spanish.^N.delT.):

- Buenos Aires: Radio interview with El Libertario

- Cartography of chavomadurista failure: A tour of the current map of Venezuela

- Crisis in the "critical thinking", or jumping off a sinking ship

- Outcome of the Venezuelan crisis

- Declaration of El Libertario: Surpassing the political parties to face the crisis and 
build a new Venezuela

- Venezuela Today: The dictatorial errors

- A slogan of 2014 to resume today: IMMEDIATE DISSOLUTION OF THE GUARDIA NACIONAL 

- The constituent fraud

Original post in Spanish on their blog:

[Nota de El Libertario: Muchas gracias a l@s compas de Insurrection News por esta 
traducción al inglés. El original de la misma está en]



Message: 5

In the traditional METU Revolution March we took our place with a banner this year 
"Revolution or our Souls or Somewhere". We continue with our slogans such as "Revolt 
Revolution Anarchy", "Revolution Is Inevitable, Not Satisfied or We Are Nowhere!", "What 
Master Is Slave, We Are Moving!", "Humanity, Hayvana, Freedom to Earth!" We tried to raise 
the voice of Semih Özakça and Nuriye Gülmen's hunger strike battle. At the same time, our 
friend Kazim Kizil, who was arrested in Izmir in the past days, was free of our foreign 
currency accents and slogans. We ended our walk by hanging our banner on the stadium of 
revolution. ---- Anarchist Tahayyule Autonomy ----


Message: 6

For Piros dam - Parapeiros in Western Achaia region ---- Presentation of the anarchist 
group "restive horse" in the event water policy held on April 28, 2017 in Patras, within 
two days of events to anarchy and libertarian communism. ---- AGAINST THE DESTRUCTION OF 
CONSTRUCTION OF THE DAM pin-Parapeiros ---- The Pin is the longest river in western 
Achaia. It rises from the east of Mount Erymanthos 2.224m altitude and flows into the Gulf 
of Patras. The basin is the largest in western Achaia. In its original path is narrow, 
deep and very brash. All the way to grow trees on the banks, to the area of Valmantouras 
where the plain begins. In plain Piros the bed becomes more shallow and water less 
impetuous. The river empties into the Dymi near the ancient city ulna, the settlement 
Alissos Beach. On the banks there was the ancient city Farrai. In the path, the pin, 
receives a plurality of streams such as Parapeiros the Pournolagkado the Tranolagkado and 
Mesolagkado. The Parapeiros is the main branch of the pin. It flows from the tops prophet 
Elijah, Pyrgakion, tall Tourla and Granite Erymanthos.

The pin at times had different names, such as Kamenitsa Melas, Nezeriti, Prevedos and 
Achelous antiquity. In ancient times the mouth of the sycamore grove there where they were 
so deep hollows people who lived in them. There are many versions and traditions of the 
name. The pin I Pieros took the Pin son of Cronus and father of the Muses. Another version 
is derived from the verb meaning pins penetrate, as the river penetrates Erymantho. 
Another version is that also is named by King Pyrrhus of Epirus, who in an attempt to 
cross the river in the area of Valmantouras was so much momentum experience so swept away 
the golden chariot.


The case surrounding the exploitation of water in western Achaia begins in the 1960s when 
under a general program of the Department of Agriculture studied the potential use of the 
experience and Parapeiros basins. Even the original design provided for the construction 
of four dams in Theriano Valmantoura villages and river pirates, the village Star in 
Parapeiros and Lousika the torrent Serdinis.

Almost 30 years later, after the design of the use of waters of the wider region passed 
through several stages, which are not essentially materialize due to the high cost of the 
works required ultimately prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture plan of exploitation of 
the waters of pirates and Parapeiros rivers . This plan envisaged the construction of a 
dam in the river Star position Parapeiros totaling approximately 60m. In the design 
provided by the aid of the reservoir with water quantities from mountainous region of the 
pin river, by constructing diverting barrier in Valmantoura gap and channeling of water 
through a pipe. For many years meletountan the combined use of water and rivers Piros 
Parapeiros to strengthen the urban water supply of Patras band, the Industrial Area of 
Patras and the lowland and coastal communities in the wider area of northwestern Achaia. 
In this context, it prepared the Feasibility Study of the project with the Technical 
Assistance Management Company initiative.

The Dam Pin - Parapeiros is a project that is even now under construction in the region of 
northwestern Achaia. The project is original budget of 130 million euros and, as his 
supporters contend, the operation of the Pin river waters is expected to solve the water 
supply problem of Patras, the industrial area of Patras and Achaia whole Northwest.
Auctioned in 2005 and launched in 2006 by Engineering SA. Initial forecast was to complete 
the work in early 2014 and since mid-2013 expected raw water concentrations. The project 
has previously encountered many obstacles and problems that have delayed the completion of 
its work.

With the completion of the dam will create an artificial lake with its waters would flood 
the village Tosca, which since 2009 has been abandoned for this reason.

The physical scope of the project includes earthen dam water reservoir in the village 
Asteri, low water intake dam concrete in Valmantoura and water pipeline which will be of 
steel pipes and leads the collected water from the dam of the reservoir Valmantouras dam 
in Star.


Today, the disappearance of much of the dense pine forest at the foot of Erymanthos, the 
significant reduction of water quantity, the opening of huge roads consistently prevent 
free and safe movement of wildlife, diverting river Parapeiros, the deforestation trees by 
speculators timber and illegal sand extraction has already caused irreparable destruction 
of the riverine ecosystems, fauna and flora of the region, the natural course of the water 
anypo Accountants future effects on the local ecosystem.

In future, the project will cause significant environmental impacts in the region, many of 
which are long-term and irreversible. Specifically, based on environmental studies carried 
out in the context of academic work shows that there is great danger of climate change 
with a sharp increase of moisture in the area, temperature and water quality. It will also 
observe a significant change and the creation of terrain with risk of landslides due to 
erosion, while the retention of sediment in the dam, gradually observed retreat of the 
coastline, in an area that already the decline of coastal zones is evident because of 
extreme weather and climate change. At the same time, it is estimated up to a final 
removal of certain animal species by the construction area of the project, noise 
production and loss of natural vegetation. Still, the riparian vegetation (trees, bushes) 
will be destroyed, while gradually ecosystem of cheimarrio turns into lake. Impact will be 
and the atmospheric environment and human health from pollution of the atmosphere of the 
area with pollutant concentrations.


Michaniki SA construction company of industrialist Emfietzoglou interests, has engaged in 
dozens of scandals since the period of the Olympic Games. Especially in the track of 
destruction and looting of nature, this company has played a key role, as pioneered in the 
projects of the Acheloos diversion and dams on the River Arachthos Arta. Indeed, since 
2002 constantly sentenced to various lawsuits for breach of environmental conditions and 
pay fines either publicly or privately. A few years ago, the Emfietzoglou and two more 
operators worksites Acheloos diversion projects, namely in the village of Eagle Trikala, 
were sentenced to imprisonment and a fine for the offense of environmental destruction and 
Acheloos burden.

Today, the company is forced management regime. The forced administration imposed on a 
company in order to directly meet obligations to its creditors. The only current revenue 
of Engineering is the work done at Pin - Parapeiros dam. In this context, the Emfietzoglou 
administration had been throughout the previous period in accordance with their creditors 
and suppliers, to gradually repay the debt.

In this case the pin-Parapeiros dam, the company has been extremely busy the past, keeping 
unpaid workers for about a year while he had stopped and the execution of projects seeking 
re state aid for their integration through additional work contracts. In August 2012, 
signed the first supplementary construction contract amounting to 5.9 mil. Euro 
concessionaire Mechanics. With this contract considered given that in late 2013 the 
project was completed. The last extension was given in December 2014 and defines new date 
for completion of works on November 30, 2015, while the overall budget stands up now to 
240 million. Euro. The reality belies already. To date the project is complete and a large 
percentage of readiness phase.

In any case, it is evident that this is a company that, although faced tragic economic 
problems being loss-making for several years and constantly condemned as culpable 
environmental destruction continues and enjoys immunity from the Greek state surviving so 
through continuous feeding of the public.


In late 2013 announced by the decentralized administration of Western Greece, Peloponnesus 
and Ionian Islands with the intention of creating a limited company project management in 
which it participates with 30% of ETVA, organization and management company of Industrial 
Area Patras, which since 2001 belongs to the group of Piraeus Bank. Thus routed, 
privatization -from behind porta- water resources project constructed to supply water to 
the entire city of Patras and the surrounding areas. Easily perceived long-term target of 
exploitation of water from the banks and the consequent huge rise in price.

Today, after almost 13 years is in construction phase, the project is in the final stage 
of implementation (unknown when will be completed and delivered). It remains to be 
delivered by the contractor company, which is doubtful, given that the work is the only 
source of income of preventing bankruptcy and is then expected to be determined by the 

Despite the disagreements expressed between local and central government over who will be 
the project operator and whether he will be state or inter-municipal, it is absolutely 
clear that no relevant deliberately delay is approached -as well as for most of the public 
property at time mnimonion- privatization project through the passage of the privatization 

Water wars

"If the wars of this century made for oil,

the next century will be about water."

Seratzelntin Ismail, vice president of the World Bank.

We live in the heart of a global water crisis. Throughout the world the rivers, lakes and 
underground aquifers are depleted faster than the rate that nature can renew them. 
Meanwhile, industrial and household chemicals pollute rapidly as water remaining. The 
sykrousi Water is already underway. On one side are billions of people and living 
organisms seeking water for adequate maintenance. On the other hand, some multinational 
companies synpikouroumenes of international intergovernmental organizations, the World 
Bank, the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund.

Water is a key resource for human life and must be public, free and accessible to all 
people around the world. Privatization and commercialization will bring long-term weakness 
of many segments of the population have access to it because of the economic downturn and 
will lead parallel to excessive use of the bosses and gradual extinction with devastating 
consequences for the natural world and human societies. Features are examples of Latin 
American countries where millions of people are unable to have access to drinking water as 
all sources are owned by private capital and water efialomeno only sold at very high prices.

Today, the attack on water resources and aquatic systems are not just confined to water 
privatization. Instead, it takes different forms. Diversions, fragmatopoiisi and 
commercialization are some of them. But possessed of a common understanding. Read as' 
developmental one way "to excuse or energy self-sufficiency of large areas or the 
improvement of water supply and irrigation of whole regions. Is approached under the 
weight of the economic crisis and its essence is deeply antisocial, and deprives the water 
of the public nature of public goods and natural disconnecting it from the social and 
historical context of existence. It is an aspect of the generalized attack of the state 
and the bosses in society and especially in small communities that are inextricably linked 
to the aquatic ecosystems.

The main reasons Member and the bosses insist on the implementation of such Pharaonic 
project is in no way the satisfaction of social interests. Instead, the only reasons 
behind the obsession to build such destructive nature and human work communities is the 
extension of the economic activity of large construction companies, the maximum 
concentration of natural resources constitute a public good, to the exploitation by their 
private interests, the exploitation of the environment through the conversion of a tourist 
product and achieve expediency paragontiskon and local politicians.


Find occur and are designed in Western Achaia region are part of a comprehensive attack 
has unleashed the state and capital in various parts of the country aimed at the 
destruction and looting of nature, privatization and commercialization of public and 
natural resources and the ruthless exploitation of human labor. Objectives can only be 
achieved with extensive and irreversible damage of the natural world (mountains, forests, 
rivers, lakes and seas) and on the ruins of human societies and their immersion 
totalitarianism and brutality. Since the dams and the diversion of Acheloos, destruction 
of Parnitha, until the gold mining in northeast Chalkidiki and installation of industrial 
wind power in the area of Crete Apopigadi attempted -with vehicle ideology of 
development-the same destructive for nature and for murder the political man. Capitalism, 
as though trying to persuade to the contrary, is the politico that system having the sole 
purpose of profit does not hesitate to cause incalculable, irreversible ecological damage, 
not only in industrialized cities, but across the globe, disrupting radically the balance 
of ecosystems.

Faced with this condition, as anarchists are fighting on every front of social and class 
war, against the interests of the state and contractors, promoting the development of a 
broad and militant resistance movement of all oppressed towards social liberation and of 
creating an equal society , solidarity and freedom, where people and nature coexist 



Anarchist group "restive horse" | member of the Anarchist Political Organization


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