What can I give back to God for the blessings he's poured out on me? I'll lift high the cup of salvation - a toast to God! I'll pray in the name of God; I'll complete what I promised God I'd do, and I'll do it together with his people. Psalm 116:12-14
And that brings us to tonight's word: ONE MORE FOR THE ROAD
I guess it's time to put down the pencil and pad. Put down the lead and pick up the glass. Lay to rest your Dinar Tribune. All the articles we read and all the sports talk shows we've spent hours on that could fill the grand canyon, have led us to this moment. All the injury reports. All the free agent trading in the hot stove league. All the questioning of the coaches strategy. An entire season of unbelievable highs and the lowest of the lows have led to this wonderful moment in time. Just burning down the clock. Go home team. The fighting honeybadgers!
And as I look around the room, I'm delighted that everyone who were swinging from the trees chest thumping and belligerently defiant in all things counter to their opinions, are loving life. Or silent (Either way, it's a good thing). All those sure this was just another losing season, have all eyes glued to the TV. Smiles all around. Acceptance is a beautiful thing. But we don't wanna spike the ball just yet. Wouldn't be prudent. Don't want to jinx ourselves. No whammy for these jersey boys. But we"re there. We all know it in our knowers.
It's been a looooong season. And the fans here at Paddys have come and gone all year. I remember at the beginning of the season, there were many who said "what makes this season any different? We're just going to choke again. Those cheaters will find another way to cheat. Don't waste your time." But those unfaithful started to fade away, didn't they? As a winning session started to form, like a statue from a block of granite, and the vibration down at Paddys started taking off, they couldn't take it. Weather it was surrounded by the faithful seeing their dreams come true or weather they couldn't stand to be proved wrong, they kinda slipped out the back door (crickets). Or perhaps they simply took pleasure in the misery of others. Schadenfreude
scha·den·freu·de. -pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune.
You're a rotter, Mr. Grinch!
You're the king of sinful sots!
Your heart's a dead tomato splotched with moldy purple spots, Mr. Grinch!You're a three decker sauerkraut and toadstool
sandwich with arcenic sauce!
Don't know where they went but they kinda played their a part in the big season too. Their doubt built up our faith on the reg. Doubt or deceit? Really at this point, who's counting? Looking back, telling us we would only get $11 M for the ZIM has me thinking they bet on the other team. Quietly, of course. The patrons at Paddys weren't so tolerant with anyone from Smallville betting for the enemy. My sun just wouldn't be the same without my shadow. Just me and my shadow.
And I'll bet a pot o gold Paddy is content with his patronage. Business has been good since the badgers started racking up dem wins. Everybody buying rounds. Everybody's bringing their friends down to Paddys to be a part of the action. Everyone loves a winner. I wonder how many babies will be born 9 months after the championship?
Paddy, maybe it's just the Guinness talking but you are the best bartender in all dinarland. I mean that. At times, you were more my psychiatrist than a master of the house. Although my psychiatrist doesn't serve the best Icelandic cod fish n chips in town. The best. You listened to us all as we bellied up to the bar and dumped all our issues/anxieties/fears square on your ears. A good bartender will share stories with you. A great bartender will listen to all your bull***t. Stories...I meant stories. Like that blind date that talks all thru dinner and then says "you're easy to talk to". Translation: I like to hear myself talk. Let's do this again sometime. Like in 3 hours? Weekends Paddys open?
You, Paddy, were/are quite the hybrid. Part psychiatrist. Part mixologist. A lethal combination. You knew when to let an argument play out. You knew when to take out the trash. You kept a tight ship and the trains always ran on time. I tried to play stump the bartender at times but damn if you didn't put that drink together. You never minded that I flooded the juke box. Best Guinness and fish and chips special in town. $5? How dooo you do it? And you always did that shamrock thing in the foam. You didn't have to but you did. It was the little things.
So as I look around the pub at all the happy faces, I feel so honored to have spent this season with you all. It's all going to change once that clock hits 00:00 tho. Some are going home to the kids. Some young lovers are going home to celebrate, if they make it that far. Some are going to church. Some are going to bed cause they got work in the morning. Maybe the confidence of winning will have us looking for a new job. Take this job and shove it. 2 week notice is nice but not required.
Well my dear friend Paddy, si vous plait, would you mind pouring to the truly faithful who wish to raise a glass, one more for the road? A toast to the best team in history. A toast to the best fans in history. A toast to the best coach in history. Never doubted Him for a second. Hip hip hooray.
And that's the word
"One More For My Baby and One More For The Road"
It's quarter to three
There's no-one in the place
'Cept You and me.
So set 'em up Joe,
I've got a little story
I think you should know
We're drinking my friend,
To the end of a brief episode
Make it one for my baby, and one more
For the road
I've got the routine
Put another nickel in the machine
I'm feeling so bad
Can't you make the music easy and sad
I could tell you a lot
But you've gotta be true to your code
Just make it one for my baby, and one more
For the road
You'd never know it, but buddy I'm a kind of poet
And I got a lot of things I'd like to say
So when I'm gloomy, won't you listen to me
'Til it's talked away
Well, that's how it goes
And Joe I know you're getting anxious to close
And thanks for the cheer
I hope you didn't mind my bending your ear
But this touch that I've found
Must be drowned or it soon might explode
So make it one for my baby
And one more for the road
The long
It's so long
The long
Very long