"Response to Segments" by Midwestman - 4.17.17

Entry Submitted by Midwestman at 10:32 AM EDT on April 17, 2017

"Understanding the Segment, GCR Roll-Out Plan" - One Who Knows - 4.16.17

When I read the post "Segments" I must admit some questions immediately popped into my head. The first one and most obvious, to me, was, the timing of this post. We were told again by a number of guru's that we would see this by Easter, that the elders wanted this done by Easter. Well nothing happened again and then this post pops up, a distraction to take your attention away from the fact the the guru's were wrong again? Another question that has to do with the first is if the elders didn't want the roll out to distract from any "spiritual Service", to me that indicates they wanted to let Easter occur and then get on with the roll out. So to me that says they had no intention of rolling this out before Easter. The biggest red flag came from the statement "So the RV has begun with actual T4 redemption's by sub groups through key leaders. This includes large volume Zim holders". So, where have these redemption's taken place? What region of the world ? What state? what city? who were the redeemers? Why wasn't everyone allowed to redeem? You can't make a statement like that and the just offer nothing in the way of proof. And yes, I'm sorry, after being on this crazy ride for more than 6 years, I don't think its out of line to read a statement like that and want a little proof. Crazy, I know but thats just me.

I then read OWK post on "Understanding the Segment" post and was relieved a little bit but there were still some questions. His post answered most of the little ones but the big one is OK, General Dunsford has been working on this roll out scenario because the way we were told it would roll out before with everyone receiving an 800 number and then just "call in" was a cluster f#$ck waiting to happen. I don't know about all this cloak and dagger stuff but if this is the plan than so be it. So the biggest question is WHEN are we going to see the roll out? We have past every natural distraction that we were told needed to occur for this to roll out. So now it seems they are going to roll it out in front of everybody, OK, fine. If thats the way the General planned it, great! Lets just do it. Lets stop talking about doing it and DO IT! Lets do it before something else in the world happens to delay this again. I don't have to remind anyone of the humanitarian projects that are just waiting to be implemented. Projects that will really help this country. Projects that will stop a lot of bad things that are happening in this world. After all, thats the reason for this whole thing, right? Relieving the suffering of the less fortunate?! Not so some fat politician could position himself in the most favorable way when this does occur or the the banks, who are going to make gazillions off of this, can figure out how to squeeze one more dime out of us after we exchange. We need this to happen NOW! Not 6 days, 6 weeks, 6 months from now, we need this to happen NOW.

I do appreciate OWK's post and explanation of this whole new plan. So again I say, OK, the plan is out. Lets get it done. All the guru's talk about this thing in the past tense. All of them talk like this is done and a lot of them offered proof that it is, so great. Implement the plan! I am a builder by trade. When I put a plan together, after much discussion, I implement it. Sometimes things come up along the way but we handle them and forge on with the plan. Is every plan perfect, no but a well laid foundation will let that building rise. Thats what we have here is a well laid foundation that was put in place by General Dunsford so lets get off the fence and put this plan into action! I think we all can agree that EVERYONE needs this to happen. Thanks again to OWK for the explanation, I know it helped me understand things better.

Just a side note. These posts were information we have all been waiting for but lets not take our eyes off of the main point of this all. Getting exchanged and then getting on with helping humanity. Its OK though to question the plan. If you want to take everything that is given to you completely on faith then go for it, if you want to have a little more control and understanding of what is given to you then thats great too. Remember, there is nothing wrong with being skeptical and asking questions. Ultimately, you are in control of your own destiny, not some politician or some guru. I myself pray on what I read and then make a decision what to do based on that. It works for me, maybe it won't for you. I don't post to please everyone, I post because I have an opinion and opinions are like belly buttons, everyone has one.

So my prayer this morning is that the PTB can now take General Dunsford plan and implement it. NOW. Stop talking about it and get this done. There is too much at stake for any more stupid mind games or manufactured delays. I saw a bumper sticker on a truck the other day that sums it up quite nicely, it simply read "Git er dun!" Come on General, Come on benevolent grandfathers, come on PTB, Git er dun!


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