"Great Time for Announcements" - Sat. PM KTFA Thoughts/News


Jay » April 8th, 2017

So we are calling for a holiday a DAY BEFORE said holiday??? Will the CBI be closed too.. Hmmm

Rabbit » April 8th, 2017

This would be a great time to make a few little official announcements! Mosul, Article 140, S&S and citizens regaining trust in the Banks again.

Walkingstick » April 8th, 2017

Iraqi provinces disabled announces official working hours on Sunday

The anniversary of the fall of the regime announced a number of provinces on Saturday, the disruption of the official working on Sunday to mark the anniversary of the fall of the former regime.

The local government said in Maysan, "It will be disabled for the official working hours on Sunday, to mark the anniversary of the fall of the former regime and the liberation of Baghdad."

As well as the Kurdistan Regional Government and the province of Kirkuk and Khanaqin district in Diyala announced the disruption of official working hours, in government circles, for the same Almnasph.anthy 29 / A 43


SteelyJan » April 8th, 2017

Yep Jay, you're on the same page...I was thinking the same! Didn't the good Dr. S say they needed THREE days??? Hmmmm

Jay » April 8th, 2017

YEEEEEEYUP. ..Glad u caught my drift. (grin)

Iggy » April 8th, 2017

Shabibi: "We aspire in the near future to the return of Iraqi dinar to what it was in the seventies and the beginning eighties against the dollar and other foreign currencies and we are endeavoring and serious in this regard, but added that this process is not easy and simple and depends on the supply and demand of Iraqi dinars.”

DinarTuesday386 » April 8th, 2017

Rare pink moon Sunday

What is special about the Pink Moon?

We may no longer follow a moon calendar, but April’s Pink Moon is still very significant in dictating religious holidays and other dates.

StepanMac63 » April 8th, 2017

In two days, Iraq will be hosting the conference entitled "Iraq Finance 2017" Sure would be nice if they had a new and improved rate for credibility http://iraqfinanceevent.com/

Cole » April 8th, 2017

Yes bingo... said this towards the end of march... excellent timing for a new rate... just before or...3 days after on the 15th imo...

Walkingstick » April 8th, 2017

Iraq needs US help. It also needs to accept US help

April 08 2017

In his March 24 Washington Forum commentary, “Iraq needs more help,” Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi urged the United States to cooperate across the board with Iraq, from reconstruction to investment after ISIS is defeated, James Jeffrey wrote in an article published by The Washington Post.

The United States should. Iraq likely has two-thirds of the hydrocarbon reserves of Saudi Arabia, a functioning democracy, and with U.S. support could block a resurgence of ISIS or Iranian expansion.

But to avoid yet another emergency U.S. military intervention, the United States should link assistance to stationing a U.S. military contingent there
It would train Iraqi forces and help keep Baghdad independent of Iran. But as seen in 2011, Iran would likely pressure Baghdad against U.S. troops.

The United States could overcome this, however; in fighting the Islamic State, the Iraqis learned how weak their military is without the United States, and the U.S. presence could be made palatable to most Iraqis (small size, international cover, no separate bases or formal legal immunities).

To counter Iranian resistance, Iraqis must understand that cooperation in other realms depends on a serious security relationship


Aggiedad77 » April 8th, 2017

So are the Iraqi's listening to Frank's CC's or maybe they are catching our Notes from somewhere.....this all sounds like stuff we've been hearing here for several weeks now....heck maybe a month or more.....more troops....more bases.....Iraq as a democracy.....the grand finale of pushing ISIS/DAASH out.....the ban on Iran......yes they indeed need us...just like we...the US....need them.....you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours....

Iran....UP YOURS.....reconstruction....oh yes indeed....it's called the Marshall Plan.....
Let the Long Line start to march in....watch how they can get things back in ship-shape in a whirlwind hurry.....you make money....we make money....in fact much of the world will make money.....

Iran...not so much.....indeed this blue recliner is comfy Frank....thanks for sharing.....though sometimes I wish it had a heated back rest....LOL Aloha Randy

1Bobby » April 8th, 2017

Article: "Office: Abadi agreed with the delegation of the Kurdistan Region to remove obstacles that prevented the activation of Article 140" 

The infamous Art 140 is in the Constitution, just not activated and or implemented.

Now 140 does not cover all of Iraq, just Kirkuk and the disputed territories, Kikuk being ground zero.

With Abadi agreeing to remove all obstacles to implement 140 is a HUGE step forward and something the Kurds can work with. Now while there are numerous cities/districts covered under 140, Kirkuk is the main concern.

Kirkuk sits atop one of the largest oil reserves in Iraq, most reports estimate over 40 billion barrels of oil. ...If Abadi is willing to remove the obstacles, then the Kurds will control Kirkuk.
This action does not require a Parliamentary vote since it's already in the Constitution.

What Baghdad wants is what the constitution states "All oil within Iraq belongs to all Iraqi's"...So if the Kurds get what they want, Baghdad will want all oil proceeds to flow thru Baghdad and then %'s will be distributed accordingly.

We'll just have to let this play out and see what they do, not what they say.

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