The Big Call w/ Bruce Intel Notes by PinkRoses 4-13-17

Thank you PinkRoses for sending your notes. ~ Dinar Chronicles



Bruce: Welcome Everybody to the Big Call. Any information like the toll free number and the plan for the next available Big Call would be on our website: We do not plan to take that website down until we are into the other site. may wind up being a link to our new site. We will see how that will work. I want you to know that we all have things we are going to do with our CPAs, attorneys, etc. which is going to take some time. I want you to enjoy vacation, a week or two. Do what you need to do. You don’t have to start all your projects the next couple of weeks.

Bruce: What we plan to do with Rebuild America and the Veteran Retreat programs is going to take planning and time. Will we make a dent and see some things done the first 6 months of the year? Yes. We are doing projects that will have longevity. Our goal is to make America the best country it can be. That is our plan. If we are around to continue with it and over see it, we will do that. I will hire people to take my vision of those things and make those things happen. I will not oversee everything. I am someone who has ideas and vision, and we will hire the right people to lead us with teams in those areas. I will be paying them. I hope you will doing the same thing in your part of the country in things you will be doing.

Bruce: We will create a template, plan in building techniques, type of housing, infrastructure buildings, internet, proper technology programs in place for the cloud, data centers. A lot we will do that will be related to infrastructure. Even meg railways. Shoot for the stars in negotiating the rate so you can do your projects as much as 5 figures for the ZIM.

Bruce: Even this morning I heard potential life on the 6th largest moon of Saturn. This is coming from NASA. Potential life on Saturn, on one of the moons of Saturn. I thought that was cool. There is a lot of stuff we will be learning about. If you are interested in funding space travel, a lot of stuff we will be able to get involved in. A lot of new technology, free energy, anti gravity, etc.

Bruce: Where we are in our blessing strategy? When I talked to you Tuesday night, I was in pretty good form that this would happen to us this week before Easter. I still believe that is the plan. My opinion of the timing has not changed.

Bruce: What about Iraq? Is it about Mosul? No, not anymore. What about communication, social media over there? Yes it is intermediate. You get 15 minutes than it shuts off for awhile. The social media is up and running, completely open, but they are hiding something to keep some things known. I don’t know why. We already heard about reports in Iraq that the dinar valued 6 times that of the dollar. They are still doing things here or there, whether it is in the Gazette, CBI site. I am hearing it is not really bout Iraq. Iraq is done. They have done all to be released from sanctions. We have released everything as far as we can tell.

Bruce: I know the rates may be traded up in the first 5 or 6 days of the release. You guys have to learn on your own you what to do as far as the timing of your exchange. Judge when you want to go in. I wouldn’t wait too long. Keep that in mind if you mainly have dinar. You might want to time your exchange accordingly. That is all I can say about it.

Bruce: When it comes to the release of the new rates, today is the 13th; my understanding is those rates could be released over night tonight. I have a time frame. It is not wise to talk about it. I just going to say overnight. If that is the case, that is a good sign for us. Usually happens is the UN Operational rates are visible on the 13th and than affective around the 15th. The 15th is Saturday. I am not so sure. I don’t know if they will show today before midnight, but maybe after midnight. I don’t sweat the Operational rates so much.

Bruce: We are concerned about the bank rates, and we know about the negotiable rates. We can go in and negotiate the rates even the dinar and dong. The big one is the Zimbabwe dollar. That is where we have the most latitude where we can make a huge difference. The screen rate on the ZIM is excellent. I don’t fault anyone who doesn’t wish to negotiate. Maybe someone of you should not negotiate because it would be hard for you to be quiet about it. I hope no one talks about this except to people they talked to before. Even so, keep your own personal finances to yourself. Share with your spouse, but other than that, a lot of you guys that have younger kids have to explain if you are in new situation. Think about what your strategy going to be to explain or not to explain to your family. It is a real dilemma for some of you. So in this case, the non NDA rate might be the wise choice for you.

Bruce: That having been explained, I think we are really in a situation where the 9 out of 10 pieces of information I received today were pointing to a really immediate response of what we are looking for. It was a response that would put us here before Easter. I can’t tell you exactly when. It wouldn’t be wise for me to guess it. I would say we should be exchanging before Easter. Let’s hope that is the case

Bruce: What about our funds? Let’s say we would be able to go before and we were able to get a temporary debit/credit card charged with $100,000 from our proceeds from our exchange. Then we have that and pickup $2,500 to $10,000 cash at the Redemption center, and we do a wire to our small bank to move a little funds in and do a cashier’s check at time of your exchange. If you want to do one and do cashier checks at your bank, take one official bank check, and one bank wire. I am going to do one bank wire but not the check personally. You have those options. That would be the case and it would hold us over the weekend.

Bruce: Come Monday, we have access to our funds and we need to move things around. We would have a good weekend with $100,000 dollar card and cash and a wire. That is how I envision this. Maybe I am wrong. I have been wrong before. Every indicator right now is pointing to an immediate release. That is really about all the Intel we need.

Bruce: What about the groups? Out west in the vicinity of 3am PST things were wrapped up. A lot of things were done. Groups were handled. Tiers 1, 2, and 3 have been completed. We are tier 4. Tier 4 is to get activated. We need a toll free number. I hope I am still one to receive that number. I would do what I would be told to do with it and to put it out as the instructions with it. Make it available if I am allowed to on our website and put it out on one or two other sites online as well. That would be our plan to do that. To record a final celebration call of 15 to 20 minutes of our and put it out as a link on our website, and put it out as well other websites.

We believe we are still going to have 7 or 8 days to exchange before John Pubic goes in. John q pubic has not followed this and has no intention using the 800 number and set an appointment. They find out it happens and they go into the bank to do their exchanges. I think they will have limited capability on the ZIM. Those gifted ZIM that just tucked it away and not is in touch with anyone who gifted it to them they will have to go to Wells Fargo or HSBC to do that exchange on the ZIM. That is the latest information I have about that. If that is accurate, that is what it is.

Bruce: Tiers 1, 2, and 3 are under way. People have been told they would be paid today and have access to their funds from transactions of SKRs, pre-paids, so on. Most everybody I heard of has been pushed off until tomorrow on that. That is good. In some cases there has been some resistance from certain banks to allow the funds to go through to certain parties. For example of the largest funding sources were held up again as a result of the banks they were working with. Then maybe they got clearance. This is people doing major humanitarian projects.

Bruce: We have heard funding has gone through to bolster Tier 3 and Tier 4 which we are. We heard for example a trance of 82 zeros went through over a week and half ago. That was exclusively for us, Tier 4. Plenty of funding is in place. The St. Germain Trust which is only to be open at Easter and Christmas time. My understanding is it was opened and they continue to shift funds from the St. Germain funds to saturate the system further. We believe the TRNs are good to go, USN good to go and approved. We are right there. It should be right here. We should have a really good weekend. That is my opinion. Let’s stay with that. I think we need a good night’s sleep, and believe we are about to receive our blessing.

Bruce: We are basically from all I am getting and what I received on the call as we were talking has been positive. The word Done I am going to use again. It is all Done. I don’t like to say it is all done, been done, however we are hearing it is all pretty much complete. Let’s just see what happens. I want everyone to go to bed, get some relaxed sleep and enjoy a good night’s sleep because our blessing draws close with the timing we talked about, before Easter. Thank you all for listening to the Big Call. Good Night Everybody.


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