"Re: SS Dinar Chronicles Lives on..." by Victor - 4.20.17

Entry Submitted by Victor at 11:30 PM EDT on April 20, 2017

"SS Dinar Chronicles Lives on..." by Sierra - 4.20.17

When I read you post I got the feelings that we are all comrades in arms in a way. Fighting a battle that is bigger than we can know right now. We will be veterans of the largest galactic battle of liberation in our world history I think. That makes us really "chosen ones".........This is no small event.

We chose to be here and be in this fight. Many of us I know chose to be born here for this special time because of our special gifts. The gift of being able to take hard knocks and keep moving forward and still keep our sanity and spirits high. We held up the energy of the world. We held up the potential of this change manifesting with our energy field of who we really are.

We are more powerful than we now know. We stayed strong, we did all of this under very impaired conditions where our memories where wiped clean, and much was working against us. We came with no guarantee that we would find our place in this world and make a difference. We risked being lost for a long time ourselves on this trip. That is how serious the stakes where.

But, we made it !. We did find our place in this world and we made it here and we are still moving forward and we still have a smile on and we have made a huge difference for all people. That is quiet a groups of veterans here at Dinar Chronicles. Even thought we really don't know each other and we come from many parts of the world and have many different spiritual beliefs we have persevered during this hard battle. We are Victorious.

So, we have a great deal in common. We have all been through this battle and life and we have a unique bond. We have something huge in common. We wanted to liberate ourselves and everyone else. That is not a common thing and it is a large Service to Others endeavor of Love. So Love is quite a bond and a self sacrificing Love, is quite a thing to have in common.

I can see the future will go very fast now post RV and we will drift apart since the main war is over and won. Yet there are new challenges ahead that will probably unite us again in that we have the most in common as a group financially and Spiritually. We will stay brothers and sisters in arms since we have so few that we can share who we are with, the few that made it this far.

The memories of what Life was like for us during Cabal times and what it felt like for all of us living in this bondage, those memories will mature like a fine wine even more now. We will later over time be able to put into context what we went through here in this present time and Life. We will see it differently and appreciate the specialness of this time, the rarity of it, once we are more truly Free and the fruits or this collective Labor have matured over the years to come.....and the memories come back of what we are.

A future lies ahead that may extend our lives physically and let us experience mysteries beyond our comprehension right now. I think it is going to be a really fun time and we will have the means and a no Lack mind to get us there.

I think we may gather and share those reflections in the future. We will also find a way to gather and work together for this new world with our new found wealth and knowing what the power of abundance is really like. This veteran experience will help us in our work and make any gathering of like minded souls a with a like minded purpose a great blessing.


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