Special Post - Mosiah

Life here is awesome and we will love the mission.  Yesterday I was supposed to talk in church, Dad was supposed to teach a lesson, and we were supposed to go to lunch.  Everything fell through, I was so very excited we had such a nice Sunday.  So relaxing and needed.  Of course next week will be hectic but I was thankful for a reprieve. The Bishop forgot he had asked me to speak.  They forgot to ask people to attend the temple prep class.  And they were off by one person on the lunch list. 
We went to the temple in Campines to Sister Barbosa's wedding.  Her husband Mosiah has a pretty cool miracle story.  About a year into his mission he was diagnosed with cancer of the lymph-nodes.  He was released from his mission and sent home for treatment, and the mission president asked all the missionaries to fast for him each fast Sunday until he was able to return.  When they took the cat scan he had cancer in several places and the diagnoses was not good.  After seeing the test results the doctor, who was not a member of the church, went into a separate room and prayed to ask God to help him save this young man (as he was certain he would die).  They started a very aggressive eight month treatment.  Four months into the treatment, the doctor said they needed to do another full scan to see if the treatment was having the desired affect, and the determine if the medication needed adjustment.  After the scan results came back, they could find no cancer at all.  The doctor said to the family, "You must have an incredible amount of Faith."  They answered, "We do."  So Mosiah, at the recommendation of the Doctor, completed the eight months of treatment.  With all the issues it took almost a year to get back into the mission field, all the Elders and Sisters knew they had helped participate in a miracle, so with gratitude and rejoicing he returned to his original mission!  A side note, Mosiah was concerned he might die before he could finish his mission so he continued being the best missionary he could be under the circumstances and during his hospital visit and treatments he put his name tag on top of his scriptures on the night stand next to his bed.  When he was well enough he went out to work with the local elders and maintained the mission schedule.  His mission time ended up being three years, but his blessings were innumerable. We love mission stories.
While at the temple we met another Sister Dias from the Cuiaba mission - she was getting sealed that day also.  The temple was so crazy busy because it was a holiday.  We saw five or six large buses and at least that many mini vans drop off people.  I just love it when the temple is so crowded.  The Baptistry was across from the waiting room for sealings, so we were able to see that as well, and it was packed with youth.  The law in Brazil says, that couples have to get married in the court house before they get married in the temple, so they have 24 hours after their wedding to get to a temple and be sealed.  So there were back to back sealings.

Love, Mom

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