Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 15, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR as of April 15 2017

Compiled 12:14 am EST 15 April 2017 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse Recovery; Author, "Twenty Two Faces,"

A. April 14 2017 6:15 pm EST Geopolitical Overview: "BegEnd" - Geopolitical/GCR/RV Overview - Good Friday - April 14, 2017

1. The RV system has long been hot, money liquid, and governments/currencies changed over per the GESARA Treaty.

2. The GCR has been on a any-second status for awhile now.

3. Today April 14 2017 Good Friday will force the banks to cough up the 800#s and truly make this the Phenomenal Day when Christ surrendered his Body and Soul in service of humanity.

4. His last word "Tetelestai," meaning "It is finished," might be wise to keep on your minds tonight.

5. ZIM is fluctuating between $2.75 and $3.00 USN.

6. A few huge European buyers are scooping up as much Zim as possible on the stress of Zimbabwe via a cash back strategy that is draining the new bond notes out of circulation.

7. Not only is the ZIM a currency again, but it's super valuable and going higher than the 1:1 USN rates they were first published, but it's escalating more quickly than the Central Bank of Zimbabwe was expecting so they limited cash back scams to $20.

8. This past Thursday April 13 2017 Bruce Almighty claimed there 82 zeros now on-line for Sovereign Rates. While that is true, those zeros were stockpiled over many months in dozens of banks worldwide.

9. In reality there's more than double that available for humanity and enough liquidity in the system to hydrate and eliminate all forms of poverty, starvation, homeless, blight, debt and the need to charge profit in perpetuity for all nations, races, colors, ages and genders.

B. April 12 2017 Wed. Humanus Call Jerzy: HUMANUS UPDATE, 14 APRIL

1. The regular Wed. call on April 12 was short because Humanus was receiving monetary transfers from Asia for projects.

2. Funds had been set to arrive Tues or Wed.

3. Projects would begin as soon as funds arrived.

4. The Fushima cleanup, children and water were the first priorities.

5. Money was there for all projects, so you could continue to submit proposals.

6. There was multiple verification from Hong Kong, Europe and the US that transactions were taking place.

7. Currencies were moving. The groups foundations & sovereign activity would be first.

8. There were new banking protocols.

9. We were waiting for the TRNs outside of the US to be announced.

10. This was rolling out slowly and methodically for the sake of the global economy.

11. Humanus was busy right now and would not have another call for two weeks.

C. April 14 2017 TNT Call RayRen98:

1. My best Iraqi sources were being told “this week, by Friday April 14.”

2. In Iraq they were told that today April 14 was IT.

3. SKR folks were told to look for this week ON Friday April 14.

4. Bank folks over here were giddy as all get out, some were secretive, some were saying “don’t call me, I’ll call you" and some said it was ready to pop out now – immediately.

5. Friday, today, April 14, was the day for this to start to be wrapped.

6. We were highly optimistic about today, this evening, the weekend, or next Monday.

D. April 14 2017 12:18 am EST Guru Sam's Midweek Report RV Reno Update: Guru Sam's Midweek Report: RV/Reno Update 4-13-17

1. Team leaders responsible for providing correct information about the Admiral Group of files registered for exchange of your currency, were under duress working hard with closing procedures all last weekend to today.

2. No rates and terms were disclosed before some left for Reno and neither were humanitarian percentages being disclosed within the Admiral's exchange agreement.

3. CT was buying IQD in Zurich. Australia was buying. SE Asia and Heritage Trust was buying exotics. Sellers experienced dry closings even though funds were liquid on grey screens.

4. Officially, HAR has started with the large whales, Tier 1 HK platforms (SKR's in queue), etc.

5. The US Treasury was to authorize release of funds today (April 13) for the verified and authenticated SKR accounts going first, and then the rest in registered queue.

E. April 13 11:49 pm EST Face Value Redemptions and Exchange Info by One Who Knows: "Face Value Redemptions and More Answers" - One Who Knows - 4.13.17 "Exchanging for Someone Else and More Exchange Information" - One Who Knows - 4.14.17

1. If you have currency "in the mail," go to your exchange appointment saying you have more currency coming. They will work with you, so that when the currency does come in, you can set up another appointment to exchange it at whatever rate you agreed to.

2. They already knew that this would happen, and had already planned for it. The important take away is that no matter the potential problems that may arise, they most likely have already thought of it and have a plan to help you with it.

3. If you have Historical Bonds = Tell them when you call in to make your appointment, they will instruct you from there.

4. Bearer Checks will be exchanged just like cash.

5. Late Appointments = Call early (On time) but you can set up a later time to go in due to travel, medical or other reasons.

6. Two Exchangers = Yes, call together and set back to back exchange appointments

7. Other Denominations = Yes, all denominations (Bill sizes) will be exchanged.

8. Official information and instructions - 800#s, appointment getting instructions etc. - will be posted on the web sites and/or emailed to you.

9. On the first call in number you will be able to ask a lot of questions including what currencies you have, Historical Bonds if you have them, and help in figuring out where the best exchange location is for you.

10. On your appointment location phone call you will find the actual location where you will be exchanging. You can get a lot of very important information like what to bring, directions on how to get there, who can come with you, etc.

11. At your exchange appointment bankers can answer lots of questions about temporary trusts, tax implications, rates, types of credit cards, no RFID cards, account types, cash in hand, sending money by wire, getting cashier's checks, and many other things.

12. Your greatest source of information will be with you appointment with your Wealth Manager. He will help you from now on to set up accounts, trusts, estate planning, setting up your families, whatever else you want to do. He will become your personal banker/advisor 24/7/365.


Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 14, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 13, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 12, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 11, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 10, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 9, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 8 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 7, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 6, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 5, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 4 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 3, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 2, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 1, 2017

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