Reminder: Wellsville Village Board to hold budget hearing April 10th

The Village Board in Wellsville will hold a public hearing Monday (April 10, 2017) to accept feedback on its proposed $3.5 million budget. Published reports indicate the tax rate will go DOWN. While it is a small decrease, it is a decrease and not an increase. The hearing will be gaveled into session at 6:30 p.m. Monday. The police contract still hasn't been finalized. This is your opportunity to express thoughts on the proposed spending plan...a part of the system. The proposed budget is not a final document. If you have concerns or thoughts, this is your best chance to make a difference. From my decades and personal experience, local governments do react to public budget comments. Unlike many, many other local governments that have no media coverage...the Village and Town of Wellsville react to media coverage (based on media experience). If you have a comment, then show up. Otherwise, the Village Board assumes there are no issues and will move forward. It's your village - you decide. It's only 30 minutes of your life to share a thought.