Several Questions & Answers
I got several questions and it is just easier to include them here and then respond to each one individually.
"ZIM Exchange Questions"
Entry Submitted by Rev. Dr. Cathie Stivers at 11:13 AM EDT on April 6, 2017
To Whom It May Concern:
All blessings on the holy and transformational work that you are doing!
I'm preparing for ZIM exchange, and have been reading all the articles on what to bring to the exchange meeting to present. We've been advised to bring "list of trust names, list of cashier's checks, list of wires with account numbers." What are these? Can you help me out with this, so that I may prepare everything that is needed?
Many thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Rev. Dr. Cathie Stivers
The bank will set up a temporary trust for you to hold your money until you can create a more tailored one that you want to keep. Trusts have names such as: Mother Load Trust, or the 12345 East 1st street Trust, or the Jim-Bob Travel Money Trust. It really doesn't matter what you call it. Chances are you will have lots of them for different reasons. For me, I will have one for each house, sports car, different spending accounts, project accounts, and other big items. But for your first trust that you will set up at your exchange, they will want to know what you will call it? It seems that the name has to be different like URLs have to be different on the net. So, if you think of several different trust names, you should have a least one that has not already been used by anyone else. However, if you call it "My Big Money Stash Trust" that will probably already be used by someone, especially since I just said it in this post.
As far as "Wires" and "Bank Checks" are concerned, may people want to pay some of their big things ASAP. They may get a Cashier's Check, drawn off of your new money account, to pay off your mortgage, or something else. But, that is not really that necessary. You can get Cashier's Checks later, to do that. The one thing I would recommend is to get a Cashier's Check (Or bank wiring instructions to send money bank to bank) payable to yourself, that you can deposit in the bank you already are using right now. Since you are already using that bank and have debit cards and/or checks, it is a quick way to have some ready cash until you figure out what you are going to do with your big money accounts.
"Re: HSBC Exchanging Question"
Entry Submitted by M at 7:36 PM EDT on April 5, 2017
"HSBC Exchanging Question" - One Who Knows - 4.5.17
Regarding this post, why is HSBC to be trusted?
In another post recently submitted, HSBC is a drug money laundering bank.
When will the truth be told?
A response from someone would be appreciated.
Sure I am not the only one.
HSBC is no different than all the major banks in that they were all Cabal at one time and corrupted big time. Those stories you are hearing about are OLD stories and are no longer an issue.
Frankly, Grandfather told me that after they bought HSBC, they cleaned it out. After all, what use is it to give the World this money, just to have Cabal take it away again? Frankly, that is why they bought that HUGE bank was to make a safe place for you to store the money they are giving you. Why would they give you the money and then take it back through HSBC? Doesn't make sense does it? No, of course not.
To make a long answer short, all the major banks have been cleaned out by now and for the most part are all safe. The new Basel requirements make it virtually impossible for any bank to "Harm" you. With all that being said, I wouldn't put money anywhere else than HSBC, the main bank for this exchange. I want the people who gave me this money to protect it for me as well. After all, that is why they are the ONLY Zim exchange location to make sure your money stays safe. I trust them.
Special Note: You can exchange with HSBC even if there are no branches near you now. #1) You won't be doing retail banking anyway, & #2) Even if you did want to, there will be HSBC branches everywhere very soon.
"Question for One Who Knows"
Entry Submitted by I know at 9:08 PM EDT on April 5, 2017
One who knows, I have a very interesting journey the last year and half.
Growing up my belief has been survival of the fittest, being number one etc.
My life has completely changed with the Law of attraction, I know this is happening beneath the surface.
My question is maybe a week and half ago on the Zorra call you had mentioned we are basically done and there will be an event happen that was not the GCR that would make everybody very happy.
I thought that would be days away. Is that still the case or is it weeks months or is it happening.
Thank you from
I know
I thought the same thing as you. I was expecting to see it in a few days, but clearly it has not happened yet.... However, it is about to happen still and you will love it!!!
Obviously, I can't say EXACTLY when, but it won’t be long now.
"Question to One Who Knows (Cabal/Chemtrails)"
Entry Submitted by tarb alvis at 10:38 PM EDT on April 5, 2017
One Who Knows, I greatly appreciate your answer to C40, and I do believe that the side of Light is winning, however if we are winning why do the Chemtrails persist. Each time I feel confident that things are turning around all I have to do is look to the sky and there are the jets spraying away!!
Any assurance on this question would be greatly appreciated.
Remolecuralizing one day at a time,
tarb alvis
While some might just be vapor trails, I Get that they are not harmful and just a Psychological scare tactic. I heard they are over Washington DC and that is so funny to me since they know what that is supposed to be, and now it is over their heads as well.
But, I am certain that they pose no real harm. However, they might be waking a lot of people up! In that regard they are working for us.
"You Go Michael"
Entry Submitted by Spiritwind Radio at 4:29 PM EDT on April 5, 2017
Thank you for the two people who found the devices, sorry I couldn't find that link and didn't want to only get your names half right.
I have had thought before something like this existed.
I am so grateful to know they are gone. Have these been the only ones you have found? Are they all gone?
Several years ago I witnessed strange rainbows in the desert that were like the ones in the picture, and even had a ending in the ground. I mused then: what hidden truth might be lurking in the lever on story. I've noticed the brotherhood societies like to leave clues in children stories and eyes, and wished I had a way to get closer to where it was. I could tell at the time exactly where it was. I thought maybe it was some weird light refraction from gold on top of the earth. I mean I've heard of stranger things in science.
My last question is, did these devises have anything to do with people being able to feel and sense energies over the Internet?
In light and love
Spiritwind Radio
The people who found these devices were myself One Who Knows/Richard/Star Fynder, and Sephora FyreByrd. AA Michael was the one who disabled and removed them in the higher dimensions.
By the way, here is the Before and after Picture together, that shows where the device was:
(Before Being Removed) Invisible Light Pole

(After Being Removed) Light Pole Becomes Visible Again

For those who what to read the post that has all the details on this amazing story and the complete step by step removal process, here is the link:
"Sources, Power, Atlantis & Lemuria" - Sephora FyreByrd and One Who Knows - 4.4.17
RE: The Strange Flat Rainbow:

Grandfather told me some more information about the weird flat rainbow. I knew it had been created by cloaked ships, but now I know EXACTLY how it was made. It turns out it was a Projection, maybe Holographic I'm not sure, but it was across the top of a baby Mother ship. When you look at this rainbow, imagine that it is the top curved surface of a giant Space ship sitting on the ground in another higher dimension. That is why the color of the rainbow was so clear and the colors so bright because it was projected and not natural. In this story it turns out that they wanted to get Sephora to take that picture so that we would find that evil device.
So in answer to your question, I am quite sure what you saw was a cloaked ship sitting on the ground in another dimension. It was just showing off by creating a rainbow over its surface for you to see. Next time, just wave and say hi to them in your mind.
As far as your last question, I don’t think they had anything to do with the internet, but they did bring down Humanity. The energy on Planet Earth is so much better now for all of us.
"Question for One Who Knows - Donna"
Entry Submitted by Donna at 6:17 PM EDT on April 5, 2017
"Sources, Power, Atlantis & Lemuria" - Sephora FyreByrd and One Who Knows - 4.4.17
Hello, I saw something in the sky over Anaheim one day last year, I feel it was multi dimensional. I'm not familiar with anything related to Extraterrestrial technology and such but I have never seen or heard of anything that looked like what I saw. It was only visible for possibly a minute, maybe less. I was just wondering if one of these transmitter devices was found in Anaheim...maybe it could explain what I saw. I hope I get a response, I would really like to know what I saw and most people don't talk about such things. Thank you for your time and Thank you for all the good you do. Sincerely Donna.
All the devices were removed off the Planet. The ones we were involved with were the last 4 that there were. You might have seen one, as I understand that at one time there were a lot more of them. But thankfully, they are all gone now.
May You Get Everything You Want and Live The Life Of Your Dreams/Plans
Signed: One Who Knows