Hi all,
There is an advanced health technology capable of healing all the diseases of humanity. It has been kept hidden from us, but will soon become available.
My proposal is for a health clinic in Christchurch, New Zealand that offers this healing technology. There would be a Free Day and Evening Clinic that prioritises those with the greatest need, plus a Night Clinic for those who can afford to pay and don't want to wait. The Night Clinic would subsidise the Day Clinic.
At the moment there are lots of unknowns. I don't know when this technology will be released, how much it will cost to buy and maintain, how long treatment would take, how long training would take, how much training would cost, and so on. So I've done a great deal of estimating, and this is a very approximate proposal!
I'm attaching it to this email, and if anyone would like to use it, or bits of it, you'd be more than welcome.
With thanks for the wonderful website!
Love from Sue