"Twilight on the Stoop" by Lore - 4.5.17

Entry Submitted by Lore at 10:08 PM EDT on April 5, 2017

Beloved DC Sisters and Brothers:

Join me on the stoop out front Paddy's. Come on, scoot in,
there's room for all, and the gang's all here. It's twilight, a
rosy blush kissing the horizon just before the imminent
sunrise we've been waiting for. Who knows how many more
chances we'll have to gather here again...

We've shared and argued, laughed and cried, threatened
to leave, and through it all, we're still family. Isn't that what
this is all about? Unconditional Love -- seeing the Divine/
Face of God/Christ in All?

Thought I'd share a few thoughts before we're off and running,
benevolent Blessings in hand, to save the world. Each of us
ready to serve in our own way, and, in doing so, serving the

One word has created so much discord on this stoop.
Some see surrender as a failure/waving the white flag. I
have a different perspective.

Surrender allows us to let go of that which no longer serves
us -- ego's need to be right; situation(s) still weighing heavy
on our hearts and holding us back; losses/traumas we've
experienced; worry of what others think about us; physical/
emotional/spiritual pain; fear of change.

Many years ago at a three week silent retreat at Oneness
Movement in India for people of all and of no belief, a daily
ceremony was held (in addition to extended meditations,
teachings, deeksha, healings, and more). Beautiful silver sandals,
painstakingly engraved with spiritual symbols in sanskrit, were
placed on an altar of flowers, surrounded by images of the beings we
held most dear. Yeshua (Sananda/Jesus) and numerous ascended
masters, various gods/goddesses, and human teachers were all
represented. The sandals represented God's feet - the place
where we could lay down our burdens, surrendering -- however
we viewed it.

Our worldwide community gathered, many traveled the
globe to be there upon learning about Amma and Bhagavan,
the enlightened masters and God-realized founders of Oneness.

The women monks joyfully participated in this daily ceremony,
dancing and singing to God (and our Higher Selves) as represented
by the sandals. Each of these monks, some committed to this life at the
age of 12 or 13, some younger, lived in bliss. As Cosmic Beings, some
lived in perpetual union with the Creator/Source/God. A number
had been in constant meditation/union with God, serving the planet
through their God-communion. However, now they were called to serve
humanity directly while maintaining this union -- serving US.

The ceremony of surrender, just as here on the stoop, created question.
Some, especially Western raised individuals, had difficulty -- taught to
bow to no one. Yet others, including atheist scientists, opened themselves
to the possibilities. Each day members of our group would have breakthroughs --
releasing painful things from their lives. Tears flowed down their faces, and
their hearts broke open -- now free to pursue their spiritual journeys in joy and
in service. So many miracles and miraculous healings... The radiant faces at
the end of the three weeks said more than any words could have.

Surrender is all in how you choose to perceive it. No need to use someone
else's definition of surrender -- just let go of that which no longer serves you.
Surrender does not lessen you, it frees the real you from the matrix which has
held us all hostage.

Another topic of contention/trepidation... The purpose of this benevolent gift
is to free ALL humanity from money slavery, not just the "Chosen Ones". We
are just the vehicle to help accomplish this as quickly as possible -- not a new
wealthy/privileged class of citizen. Our goal -- a money-free society where
everyone lives in abun-dance and are able to pursue their passion -- ALL share
in the life of "privilege".

Limited education/limited exposure to handling money makes no individual
less worthy of this freedom or less able to share/bless others with their gift.
Many of our family of light workers have little experience with vast sums of
money, yet we trust that we will be able to handle this responsibility. We are
just a bit ahead on the learning curve. It seems we are quick to judge our
fellow wo-men. The thought of withholding a gift or offering it with certain
strings often comes from a benevolent heart which desires to do no harm.
Yet... Should ALL people have the chance to pursue a passionate life of freedom?

Much focus is placed on a 3-D perspective. Who is going to do the various
jobs? People won't work or will spend their days partying... We seem to
have very little faith in those reaching the end of their slumber/newly awakening.

The NPTB/Grandfather/Elders/Saint Germaine and Quan Yin/Company of
Heaven have been planning this for many generations (if not longer). NESARA/
GESARA will provide everyone with wealth. Everyone's vibration will rise as we
no longer live in fear of financial loss/lack and move into a service to others society.
Certainly, there are provisions for this transition period, with guides/teachers and
new (or previously hidden) technologies that free everyone from the drudgery of
J-O-Bs (just over broke) that don't permit them to follow their bliss.

Who determines what life is acceptable or how many hours one must commit to
be worthy of an abundant life? What gives anyone the right to determine that for
another? How many need time to focus on spiritual growth (especially those newly
awakening)? We don't know their dreams/contracts. Time to TRUST. Time to release
fear. All is PERFECTION. Follow your heart.

This is a challenging one but warrants consideration... Who are we to judge/withhold
forgiveness? Many of these beings were indoctrinated into this life from birth, exposed
to torture, witnessing/forced to participate in horrific crimes, with threats to themselves/
their families. They know no other life. And the rest of slumbering humanity did not know
of their fate, and we didn't know to protect them. They are also our family. Don't they
deserve the chance for a life free from fear, pain and suffering, nurtured, loved and able
to heal their deep wounds? Their raising vibrations will grant them understanding, and
they will provide society with some form of restitution, whether serving to help remove
their so-called "masters" or in some other way. Personally, I fall on the side of forgiveness.

A favorite story of mine, supposedly taught by a master, as to whether or not we should
speak... First, is it true? Second, is it kind? And, finally, is it necessary? If, and only if,
what one desired to say (or in our instance, write) meets all three of these, should one
speak. In this case,silence is golden...

Well, it's getting awfully late. I've yet to read tonight's posts -- the Word from Heisenberg,
Harmony, Angel Gee, Island, Yosef, Tank, Bewdah, BG, the Ice Cream Shoppe Boys,
the CanDo Girls of Who Needs Light, C40, the latest from Cowboy, OWK, Sephora
Fyrebyrd. PineCone, Matt, Benjamin Change Ungerman, Sheldon Nidle, Pat and Rose,
Maria, Pink Roses' notes on Bruce's Big Call, Peter Kasich and all the rest...Gary
Larrabee's open-minded presentation of multiple points of view, allowing us to discern the
truth... And, yes, even the so-called negative posts -- ubiety, midwestman, and all the others.
Not to mention the "news" posts of Frank and KFTA, Mountain Goat, Benjamin Fulford, et al...
Though I prefer high vibrational posts -- I DO believe they better serve the community as a
whole -- how can I see the Divinity in each of my brothers and sisters without understanding
their perceptions/point of view, regardless of whether or not I agree with them? (Please
forgive me if I did not name you -- I DO read and appreciate your posts!)

Thanks so much Patrick -- Paddy's stoop has provided an amazing place for us to learn,
share, grow and, as Cowboy reminds us, Love Sweet Love.

In deepest gratitude to Creator, Mother/Father God, Christ, Grandfather and the Elders,
Saint Germaine and Lady Quan Yin, Company of Heaven, Galactic Federation, White
Hats and White Knights, and the numerous others who have worked tirelessly to bring us
this Blessing and support us in this Ascension...

In Love, Light, Peace & Prosperity.
Your Sister,

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