Marc Baylis on Rob doing a runner from Coronation Street

Proper soap villains need proper soap villain names and this one's no exception. No, not Rob Donovan, I'm talking about his mate Tiggsy. Yes, that's him above in the picture with Rob. 

Actor Marc Baylis, who plays Rob Donovan in Coronation Street, is interviewed in this week's Inside Soap magazine. He reveals that Rob and Tracy go on the run, but will their escape plot be hampered by a little lady called Amy?

Rob tells Inside Soap: "It's do or die for Rob this time. Rob is doing things completely off the cuff. He wants to make the right decisions but we know how often he makes the wrong ones! There's a real sense of urgency too, and he keeps changing his mind. What Rob really wants is a happy ever after, because his upbringing meant he never had stability."

As Rob and Tracy flee the Street in next week's Corrie, they take Amy with them and do a runner to a country farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. Pictures of Amy and Tracy start to appear on the news and a hunt is on to find them, so the chance of Rob keeping his head low is out of the question, it would seem.

But Amy doesn't know what's going on, she's a fed-up teenager dragged away from No. 1 to a farmhouse with Tracy and Rob. And she sneaks off to a phone box to call Steve... what will her dad do with the information Amy gives him and what will Rob do when he finds out about Amy's call? All will be revealed in next week's show.

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