"There is a Change Coming" - Mon. PM KTFA Thoughts/Frank26 Video Update


Frank Video #1 https://youtu.be/NGWhIgeb1dA

Frank Video #2 https://youtu.be/y4x4VGkD4eg

SteveP99 » April 17th, 2017

HMMMMM....Senator John Glenn was first and foremost an astronaut...soooooo...does it seem plausible that the rocket known as a rate have liftoff as in relation to the article about 1000 to 1 or stretch to the unseen 1000 to 1 minus 3 zeeros?! Just spectulating here about our speculative investment!!

Fenway » April 17th, 2017

Andik posted in chat right after the video her idea that the John Glenn reference was for the countdown that Delta seems to be indicating-- 10, 9, 8, etc.

MilitiaMan » April 17th, 2017

Frank26~ The Dogwoods are blooming very nicely in the #1 Video.The #2 video has you in red which seems to me, means that the evolution of the Dogwood is coming to an end and that is if I read it right, the evolution we are in would be the final stage for lift off represented by the Astronaut John Glen. Am I close?

Doodlebug » April 17th, 2017

DELTA'S first number was at 13, which was on the 14th. Then he posted 11 on the 16th and then he posted 10 when we moved into the 17th. We've been watching it for a few days now...

MilitiaMan » April 17th, 2017

Quote: "You know there are a lot of things going on Family…and each one is kind of sub-divided into their own little groups….some may be paying attention to Security and Stability….some may be specializing in the LD’s…..some may be specializing in the 1000 to 1….let me give you an example….I think there are contracts right now in the month of April that are maturing." Frank26

SteelyJan » April 17th, 2017

Dinartowncrier mentioned this movie about John Glenn, "Hidden Figures" and said to Google it so I did....thought this was interesting:

In the movie "Hidden Figures," astronaut John Glenn (Glen Powell) launches to space, but not before he directs NASA to "get the girl to check the numbers." (20th Century Fox) January 5, 2017 — "Get the girl to check the numbers." With those seven words, spoken by astronaut John Glenn before he became the first American to orbit Earth in 1962, Katherine Johnson's role in history changed.

A "human computer" assigned to NASA's Flight Research Division at Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, Johnson was the African-American, then-44-year-old "girl" who was the subject of the astronaut's directive. As such, she set about double checking the trajectory calculated by her electronic counterpart: room-size IBM 7090 computers at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. "If she says the numbers are good, I am ready to go," said Glenn, according to Margot Lee Shetterly, citing Johnson, in her book "Hidden Figures" (William Morrow, 2016) which served as the basis for the 20th Century Fox movie by the same title opening wide in U.S. theaters on Friday (Jan. 6).

What stood out to me is this>>>>>> "If she says the numbers are good, I am ready to go," and "Get the girl to check the numbers" hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Frank26 » April 17th, 2017

The CBI and GOI is meeting with the IMF and WB.

If it was just with the IMF i would say it was a regular continual meeting.............. But it's not.

W to E to E.

IMO ............. DC is HOT right now.

DELTA is emailing The IMF.

WS may never be back.

The Net is not Dead ............. It's lost.

ITEAM ...............Is quieter than i.

There is no countdown for a DATE .............. YOU KNOW THAT.

But IOO .............. There is a Change coming and .............. YOU KNOW THAT.

C U tomorrow around the same time.

Put it together ............... Together.....\m/

Frank26 » April 17th, 2017

Before I leave you may I point something out ........the indicative rate has not been on the CBI website all year .......they break laws but consider this ..........they don't show you 1000 to 1 ........they will never show you one to one so when they lift the three zeros they won't even show you that ........ In the still of the night they will simply apply it and go about their business ........God bless you .

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