Guest Posts Regarding the RV/GCR & More for Thurs. Evening - 4.14.17

This is a compilation of all guest posts submitted as of Thursday Evening, April 13, 2017. All guest posts that are more than 5 paragraphs in length, deemed important, contains images or is a response to another post will be considered it's own post.

Note: This post will be continuously updated with more entries as they are submitted. ~ Dinar Chronicles

Another Note: Arrangement of Guest Posts have been changed from top to bottom to bottom to top. Each newly added Guest Post will be at the top rather than at the bottom to negate having to scroll down every time. ~ Dinar Chronicles

"Response to Pat"

Entry Submitted by REALLUCKY1 at 10:56 PM EDT on April 13, 2017

Well you are entitled to your opinion, and regardless of yours or Yosef's opinion, he is the President of the New Republic until proven otherwise. The landslide that took the nation this past election was the Trump team not the Republicans. The majority of us hardworking Americans support this man. This is first time in my life my President has not been owned by Cabal or Pacs. That is the best part about America we each can have a different opinion and still be on the same side when it comes to the Reset.

A big part of unity is accepting all sides and opinions and being able to decide what you think is the best side to accept. I accept President Trump, and believe he was placed upon this nation to bring God back into America. So good luck may you be blessed and may America be better and stronger than ever before.


"Re: Rock Bottom"

Entry Submitted Anonymously at 8:00 PM EDT on April 13, 2017

"Rock Bottom" - Geopolitical Overview - Thursday - April 13, 2017

Speaking of Cabal members - whoever posted this is definitely a cabal member! Better get ready to change your tune brother! We are forgiving the cabal members who will change their ways once this all hits, but be forewarned, once it does hit, you will be hit, too! And Yosef.... Cabal! it's quite obvious!

"Question for One Who Knows"

Entry Submitted by WhollyOneness at 6:53 PM EDT on April 13, 2017

I have ZIM in hand but I am also waiting for the arrival of later orders for which I have proof and confirmation.

However, if the redemption exchange proceeds before I receive all my currency notes, will I still be able to exchange them for the same (NDA) rate as those notes that I already have in physical possession?


"Fire Fighters"

Entry Submitted Anonymously at 6:39 PM EDT on April 13, 2017

The Fire Fighters just called asking for donations to buy badly needed equipment.

I had to turn them down. I am barely hanging on myself.

Elders, NPTB, Let’s push this through and get this done now.

The World needs us now – not someday, after a slow roll-out.

The World Needs Us Now!

We need Full or Partial access to funds. We need it Now.

Thank You.

"Point of Interest"

Entry Submitted Anonymously at 6:12 PM EDT on April 13, 2017

Small new wrinkle in the currency changes. Go to type in USD. Used to just say US Dollar. Now says America Dollar

"RV Thoughts"

Entry Submitted by Ruby at 6:10 PM EDT on April 13, 2017

I love going for Chinese food, my favorite cuisine. Actually, all Oriental cuisine, but only Chinese food restaurants give Fortune Cookies!

My fortune was: “Joy is the feeling of grinning on the inside.” My son’s: “Prosperity is a way of loving and thinking , and not just having money or things.”

May they prove to be prophetic!

Grinning on the inside,


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