Guest Posts Regarding the RV/GCR & More for Sun. Afternoon - 4.9.17

This is a compilation of all guest posts submitted as of Sunday Afternoon, April 9, 2017. All guest posts that are more than 5 paragraphs in length, deemed important, contains images or is a response to another post will be considered it's own post.

Note: This post will be continuously updated with more entries as they are submitted. ~ Dinar Chronicles


"Different Roads, Same Destination"

Entry Submitted by WhiteOak at 1:32 PM EDT on April 9, 2017

To everyone here,

All roads lead home. Especially the metaphorical roads of the Spiritual ascension experience. In Feb 2016 came a "wave" that I awoke to. Then came the awareness of the falseness of my self image and learning to love myself. After some time for that and the frequency of the experiences slowed down, that's when I found dinar chronicles. I have thoroughly enjoyed, the intel, the encouragement, the enthusiasm, and the community. I even purchased some currency because I recognized in my heart the truth of this endeavor. I have not felt compelled to add in my ego comments in post reacting to falseness. Why add chaos to chaos. Instead I write now because I am moved to share the love, gratitude and wisdom that I experience with this process and your individual processes. You are family and your story is one of recognizing you are Love. Of course I wish to share in that! It is by divine order that we will bring joy, relief and happiness to our fellow souls. Thank you for the opportunity and your service.

With love and wisdom, WhiteOak.

"St. Germain World Trust"

Entry Submitted Anonymously at 2:07 PM EDT on April 9, 2017

In this document it explains how this rv cant happen except between easter and Christmas, and how any one giving you false information are cabal trying to lower your vibration so it wont happen. also that the patriot acts 1 and 2 state that anyone receiving these funds would be arrested.


"Response to Matt T"

Entry Submitted by maria at 3:20 PM EDT on April 9, 2017

"Silent Majority is for Yosef, RT Team" by Matt T - 4.9.17

Amen...lovingly, maria

"Re: Silent Majority is for Yosef, RT Team"

Entry Submitted by Ruby at 3:41 PM EDT on April 9, 2017

"Silent Majority is for Yosef, RT Team" by Matt T - 4.9.17


The Silent and Outspoken Majorities are for REAL intel (which I am sure Yosef THINKS he’s giving) and for LESS HATE in the world. If I’m wrong and there’s someone here who wants MORE hate in the world, please speak up and let me know I’m wrong. Lol Oh, and if you enjoy intel that doesn’t pan out ever, feel free to speak up, too!

Looking forward to whom the haters are. Let’s not any of us here be one. There’s a new world to be won. Do you hear the People sing? (Bonus points for whomever can identify the reference!)


"Zorra and OWK Call Replay"

Entry Submitted by Ruby at 5:09 PM EDT on April 9, 2017

Link to the replay of the call with Zorra and One Who Knows:

Interesting intel. He has a little bit of a different take on Trump from Yosef and other RC kool-aid drinkers, definitely different take on Obama than that group, and says that Ryan won’t be our president, either, after the interim. They preferred someone without skeletons in their closet. If that’s what they want, I could serve! I’m from a large and troubled family, and by the time I was to add my skeletons to the family crypt, it was already overflowing, so I just left them all there. Ha ha

BTW, I think Yosef and Dr. WC have huge hearts and mean well. Doesn’t mean they are infallible or mislead in anything. I definitely think they overthink things, but I’ve been accused of the same.


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