Google News: “Trump doesn't write off chance of 'major, major' conflict with North Korea - CNN” plus 1 more

Google News: “Trump doesn't write off chance of 'major, major' conflict with North Korea - CNN” plus 1 more

Trump doesn't write off chance of 'major, major' conflict with North Korea - CNN

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 06:46 PM PDT


Trump doesn't write off chance of 'major, major' conflict with North Korea
(CNN) US President Donald Trump said on Thursday not to discount the chance of a military conflict with North Korea. "There is a chance that we could end up having a major, major conflict with North Korea," Trump told Reuters amid an ongoing standoff ...
Trump: 'Major, major' conflict with North Korea possibleThe Hill
Trump: There is 'absolutely' a chance of 'major, major conflict' with North KoreaABC News
Trump warns 'major conflict with North Korea' may be on horizonNew York Post
USA TODAY -Bloomberg -Mediaite
all 36 news articles »

Get ready for tech giants to start churning out fake news to 'save' net neutrality - The Hill (blog)

Posted: 27 Apr 2017 03:59 PM PDT

The Hill (blog)

Get ready for tech giants to start churning out fake news to 'save' net neutrality
The Hill (blog)
Elections have consequences, and the 2016 presidential election is certainly having an impact on internet regulation—a very beneficial impact, in our view. But you won't get that impression from social media or some of your favorite websites. So this ...
"Restoring Internet Freedom" Notice of Proposed Rulemaking - Federal Communications CommissionFederal Communications Commission
FCC Chairman Pushes Sweeping Changes to Net Neutrality RulesNew York Times

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