Lenten Reflections
Saturday, 8thApril 2017,
Fifth Week of Lent

Ez 37: 21-28;
Jer 31: 10-13;
Jn 11: 45-56


In today’s Gospel, we see the thinking of Caiaphas, the high priest. His words are interesting in that they are both sad and prophetic at the same time. He, along with the other chief priests and the Pharisees, were beginning to plan and plot Jesus’ death. But what’s insightful is the apparent motivation of Caiaphas and the others.

Jesus was gaining popularity and they were afraid that this popularity would stir things up with the Romans. They were also jealous that Jesus had attracted so many. So Caiaphas offers the twisted logic that it’s better that one man die rather than all of the people. In other words, he appeared to think that because Jesus was becoming so popular, and the people were listening to Jesus more than they were to the chief priests and Pharisees, that it was better to eliminate the “problem” so that things could return to the way they were. 

This reveals the fact that the Pharisees were more concerned about themselves and their status than they were about the Truth. If the chief priests and Pharisees were interested in the Truth, they would have also seen the glory and divine authority of Jesus and come to believe in Him and followed Him. But they couldn’t swallow their pride and accept the call to follow someone other than themselves. They couldn’t let go of their position of authority.

We often see this same experience in our daily lives. We want to be the center of attention. And so often when we see someone else do well or receive praise we can get jealous. And our jealousy can often turn into a form of envy. We also move away from Jesus in the bargain. Let us recall the times, we have acted like Caiaphas. And as we enter the Holy Week, let us focus our attention on Jesus and not on ourselves. Let us find ourselves at the foot of the Cross with Him on Good Friday with love and courage, standing by Him and loving Him every step of the way.

Prayer: Lord, may I follow You this coming Holy Week. May I have the love I need to love You even in Your rejection and pain. Help me to shed all envy and selfishness and to see You especially in the sufferings of others and in their goodness. Jesus, I trust in You. Amen.

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