Evil Nathan is leaving Coronation Street

Our blogger Jordan was invited recently to ITV to interview Chris Harper about playing Nathan Curtis and to find out about the grooming storyline and how it's going to progress. We're going to bring you Jordan's unique write-up of the event and his interview with Chris very soon indeed. 

Until then, we can reveal that Nathan will be leaving Coronation Street.  Metro's Duncan Lindsay has a good quote from Chris Harper about Nathan and his shelf-life as a nasty piece of work in the soap.

Chris says: "He’s not going to hang around. What we really want is to tell it right – anyone watching it who fears for themselves or someone else will know that there is somewhere to go and that there’s a very supportive and very loving network of survivors out there who will help you get through it. For that reason, I think it’s really important that Nathan doesn’t get away with it."

I wonder in what form his leaving will take place - arrest and imprisonment, hopefully?

Find out who else is leaving, joining or returning to Coronation Street - all the details are here.

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